Relating to the regulation of the poor and unwashed
Gary Hooser /
Houselessness /
Life Muses blogger Rozanne Paxman writes about her trip to Honolulu: "Hawaii has a large homeless population. One of our guides said that there are certain states and cities on the mainland that ship their homeless to Hawaii. They buy them tickets and give them some cash to get there. But once they get to Hawaii, they are stuck and can't leave. (You can't hitch-hike out.) I don't know if that is true, but it is true that we saw more homeless people in Hawaii than we have seen in any other place we have visited."
As socialism struggles, evangelical Christianity surges on an island nation
GlobalPost /
Catholic priest with a baby girl in Havana.
Hilton Hawaiian Village workers begin five-day strike, blame Wall Street greed
Hawaii Independent Staff /
A picket sign held at the Unite Here Local 5 rally against Waikiki's Hyatt Regency in July. On Thursday, October 14, workers at the Hilton Hawaiian Village began their own strike.
Kalihi-Palama Neighborhood Board discusses Aala Park skate facility
Jamie Winpenny /
October 16: Haleiwa Jodo Mission holds annual craft fair
Jade Eckardt /
Warning sirens to be tested today at Hanauma Bay and Makapuu Beach Park
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls for 9/11 investigation
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Letter: Keep politics out of schools, vote ‘no’ on appointed BOE
Letter to the Editor /
Above: The bright yellow t-shirt worn by members of Hawaii's Children First, a group which supports a constitutional amendment that would allow Hawaii's governor to appoint Board of Education members. Below: Hawaii's Children First members hold signs in support of BOE appointments at a press conference. Bottom: BOE chair Garrett Toguchi, pictured, says appointments would bring a whole new level of State politics in education decisions.
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