Project Hawaii sparks Independence Day festivities for Waianae’s houseless keiki
Austin Zavala /
Houselessness /
The keiki of the Piilani family, above, were once one of the many children living houseless on the Waianae Coast. Programs like Ohana Ola provide transitional housing and educational programs for houseless families on the Leeward side of Oahu. There are an estimated 20,000 children in Hawaii who also live "doubled up" with friends or family because their families cannot afford a place of their own.
We’re growing
Ikaika M Hussey /
5 things you didn’t know about Mexico’s drug war
GlobalPost /
Agents of the investigative police talk outside a bar where two people were gunned down in Monterrey, May 31, 2010.
Kuakini invites community to celebrate 110-year anniversary
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Kapoho cultural site restored on Live Aloha Day
Youth News for The Hawaii Independent /
Kapoho was completely destroyed by a lava flow from an eruption of Kilauea on January 28, 1960.
Honolulu city clerk debunks new ‘birther’ theory
Hawaii Independent Staff /
L.A. Times urges Hawaii governor to sign sex trafficking bill
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Former Hawaii Chief Justice William S. Richardson passes
Hawaii Independent Staff /
William S. Richardson celebrates his 90th birthday.
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