Governor places 39 bills on potential veto list
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Lingle, sort of, addresses her upcoming decision on civil unions
Travis Quezon /
Gov. Linda Lingle has until July 6 to decide whether or not to veto House Bill 444.
Letter to Lingle: ‘We urge you to make HB444 the law’
Letter to the Editor /
The Hawaii State Civil Rights Commission marches in the 2010 Honolulu LGBT Pride Parade.
World Cup: Is South Africa’s white town racist?
GlobalPost /
Orania Mayor Carel Boshoff says the extension of the right to vote to all South Africans is a good thing, but he adds that the past two decades have also been accompanied by a victimization and marginalization of Afrikaners.
July 17: Volunteers needed for Kalihi Stream cleanup
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Surf Film Festival returns July 9 with 10 Hawaii premieres and a world premiere
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Kaneohe community resolves to protect Kapapa Island
Lance Sabado /
Kapapa island was designated a National Historic Place in 1972 because several small midden sites and burials from 1750 to 1790 were found here.
Shipping cost reimbursement program open to Hawaii farmers and ranchers
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hawaii, Alaska senators continue to weigh in on USPS request to drop Saturday deliveries
Hawaii Independent Staff /
An HI Sound Bite: Rocker-reporter Jamie Winpenny interviews himself
Jamie Winpenny /
Musician Jamie Winpenny, above, divides his time playing gigs with his band and writing for publications throughout Hawaii. Below, The _________'s play Downtown Honolulu on Halloween in 2009.
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