Lance Sabado
Editorial Intern
Poet Lyz Soto performs at a Tinfish Press board meeting at Cafe 2600 in Puck's Alley.
Maria (Shelly) Lagpacan, pictured above, was recently diagnosed with sickle cell anemia and needs a matching bone marrow donor. Shelly and her fiancé Shaun Sutherland share an embrace (pictured below).
Story time for keiki at the State Capitol.
Perla Welch, center, took top honors of the 2010 Universal Showqueen Pageant. She was joined on stage by first runner-up Sunny Dee-Lite from New York, second runner-up Christina Maria Ashton from Honolulu.
Kapapa island was designated a National Historic Place in 1972 because several small midden sites and burials from 1750 to 1790 were found here.
Kaanoipono Cabrinha's success as 2009 Soldier of the Year reflects his work ethic in and out of uniform.
24-7 danceforce on stage in rehearsal for "the real thing."