Can $32 million in U.S. aid stop ethnic butchery in Kyrgyzstan?
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Blog: Goats are r-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-d!
Jade Eckardt /
Nestled off the beaten path in Ahualoa, on the Big Island of Hawaii, lies the Hawaii Island Goat Dairy.
Hoala School nationally recognized for two service programs
Jade Eckardt /
Located in the heart of Wahiawa in Central Oahu, Hoala School is a small, vibrant learning community serving 120 students, K-12.
Mrs. Hawaii America calling for contestants
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hawaii’s jobless rate drops to 6.6 percent in May
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Sugarcane boutique delivers Kaimuki sweet one-of-a-kind treats
Barb Forsyth /
Sugarcane Boutique brings chic and cheap to Kaimuki.
Surfing, Hawaiiana, and Korean War exhibits at the Bishop Museum this summer
Hawaii Independent Staff /
The Hawaiian Hall at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum contains the world's largest collection of Polynesian artifacts.
Dragon Boat Festival and Sunset on the Beach take off at Ala Moana this weekend
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Medical heavyweights team up for new approach to quality health care
Youth News for The Hawaii Independent /
North Shore Chamber of Commerce celebrates the grand opening of its new home
Jade Eckardt /
The plantation style home of the North Shore Chamber of Commerce was transported across town to its current location in 2008.
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