Comment: Rida Cabanilla Arakawa election mailer criticized for not following rules
Steve Jackson /
A mailer sent out by incumbent Rep. Rida Cabanilla Arakawa shows a photo of her in military uniform, with no disclaimer.
Kaneohe to Kailua Wastewater Treatment and Conveyance Project EIS meeting on September 28
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Democrats: The best offense is a good offense
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Land Use Commission approves Koa Ridge project
Hawaii Independent Staff /
UH Hilo enrollment marks new milestone
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hawaii offers food stamps to more working families
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Ahmadinejad’s U.N. speech triggers U.S. walkout
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Where Iran and America meet: An interview with Hooman Majd
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Historic KCC Chapel to get a much needed face lift
Barb Forsyth /
Above: KCC Chapel is a familiar site across from the entrance to Diamond Head. Below: Taiko drums can be heard coming from the chapel regularly into the night. Bottom: The chapel is suffering from serious termite damage.
UH West Oahu campus expected to open its doors in 2012
Austin Zavala /
A computer generated image of the planned library and Great Lawn at UH West Oahu, above, and the entry way, below, by John Hara Associates Inc. Bottom: Kahu Curtis Kekuna, Albert C. Kobayashi, Russell Young, UH West O‘ahu Chancellor Gene Awakuni, and architect John Hara at the August 16 groundbreaking for the new campus in Kapolei.
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