October 7: Slim Junior brings the blues to The Venue
Jamie Winpenny /
Blues gurus Rick Smith and Larry Spalding of Honolulu's Slim Junior.
Speak Your Soul brings hip hop, spoken word to Hilo
Hawaii Independent Staff /
October 9: Hear from heroes at Hawaii Anti-Child Sex Trafficking Event
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hawaii Kai forum to promote passage of constitutional amendment
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Cost of an Empire: Five expensive, controversial U.S. military bases (not in Iraq or Afghanistan)
GlobalPost /
U.S. servicemen sit inside a C-17 Globemaster waiting to take off for Afghanistan at Manas Air Base near Kyrgyzstan's capital Bishkek, February 13, 2009.
Japan’s dolphin slaughter: Cruelty or custom?
GlobalPost /
Using a technique called drive fishing, hunters in a line of motorized boats create a “wall of sound” between the dolphins and the open ocean by banging on metal poles lowered into the water; the poles have bell-shaped devices at one end to amplify the sound. The dolphins, who rely on sonar to navigate, are immediately disoriented and terrified and swim frantically to shore to escape the noise. There they are coralled into a small cove and trapped overnight by nets; at sunrise the next morning they are herded into an adjacent “killing cove,” where they are stabbed to death by hunters using harpoons, fish hooks, and knives.
Downtown Neighborhood Board discusses pre-disaster mitigation plan
Jamie Winpenny /
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