Mililani Town Association approves new ground cover for Lehiwa Drive
The Mililani News, a bimonthly publication from the Mililani Town Associated (MTA) reported this month that the MTA Grounds Team is currently working on the Lehiwa Drive Replant Project. The project consists of a major ground cover replant project on both sides of Lehiwa Drive in the Lehiwa Ridge area.
According to the Central Oahu publication, the project will take several months requiring multiple treatments to prepare the ground for installation of the new ground cover as well as thorough weed eradication. Golden Glory, the new ground cover is known to require little maintenance and little water.
The MTA said the original ground cover planted by the developer was not doing well so replanting the area is necessary. The association is asking residents to be patient during the process and that the area will look beautiful when it is complete.