MoveOn rallies throughout Hawaii speak out against government corruption
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Afghanistan: In search of the true civilian toll
GlobalPost /
Two Afghans on a motorbike pass by British Army soldiers in Sangin Valley, Helmand province, Afghanistan.
August 11: Pride At Work envelope-stuffing party to send surveys to primary election candidates
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Video: Pine says Senate did not justify its decision for Chief Justice nominee
Letter to the Editor /
“Have a Heart, Save a Heart” campaign raises thousands for American Heart Association
Hawaii Independent Staff /
From fine art to rubbish: The stashes of drug traffickers
GlobalPost /
A repossessed sculpture sits in a warehouse.
The Mango Show lands in Honolulu Hale
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Strykers: Following public outcry, OHA calls on Army to honor 2008 agreement
Samson Kaala Reiny /
The U.S. Army's 2nd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division conducts limited training exercises using Stryker vehicles in Hawaii. A Stryker vehicle crew, pictured above, belonging to the 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, fires a TOW missile during the brigade's rotation through Fort Polk's Joint Readiness Training Center.
Pearlridge mall buyout brings big businesses
Austin Zavala /
The blessing ceremony of Pearlridge Center's newest addition: Bed Bath and Beyond.
Oakland Raiders pick up Colt Brennan
Hawaii Independent Staff /
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