Tupola hosts informational meeting on Maili area soil contamination

State Representative Andria Tupola will host an informational briefing regarding contamination in Maʻili with guest presenters from the Department of Health and the U.S. Coast Guard on April 9, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

In October 2015, news stations shared details regarding the chemical pollution in a portion of the 93 acre lot partly owned by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) and the U.S. Coast Guard. The meeting will take place at the Kamehameha Schools Learning center which is on the southwest corner of the 93 acre lot. From 1953 to 1970, a portion of the 93 acre lot had electrical transformers on a concrete slab which left toxic chemicals (PCB’s) found in dangerous quantities contaminating the soil of the surrounding area. The alarming levels of these chemicals pose a risk to residents.

The Coast Guard has received the funding necessary to clean the contaminated area and the Department of Health is working together with the Coast Guard to organize an appropriate clean up effort. Both agencies will be sharing with the community their action steps, their timeline, and will be answering questions. A representative from DHHL will be present in the event that community members have questions regarding the DHHL portion of the aforementioned parcel.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Environmentalism / Read
Pohakuloa fire not a threat to community, PTA officials say

A range fire that began March 24 within the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) on Hawaii island during a combined armed live-fire exercise is contained but still smoldering near Range 3 in the PTA impact area, where officials say it is running out of fuel.

The area where the fire is located is surrounded by lava and a road network, serving as a barrier to stop the fire from spreading. The closest vegetation is more than a mile away.

Several community members have raised concerns regarding the fire and depleted uranium (DU) left over from the military’s live fire training exercises at PTA. According to PTA officials, DU only aerosolizes at temperatures much higher than those produced by brush or range fires. Additionally, the fire is located approximately two miles from the nearest DU location, and this area is separated from the fire area by a lava field devoid of combustible fuels and vegetation. It is extremely unlikely that the fire will reach the DU area.

According to officials, past air samples taken during prescribed range burns have not detected DU.

“We appreciate the community’s interest, and we want to assure the community—especially those of us who live and work in the immediate area—that we take everyone’s safety seriously,” said Lt. Col. Jake Peterson, commander, U.S. Army Garrison-Pohakuloa. “If people do have questions about DU, we encourage them to check out our website and get the facts.”

The Army’s local DU webpage is available at www.garrison.hawaii.army.mil/du/. The site lists frequently asked questions, health and investigative reports, and other DU resources.

The range fire began March 24 at approximately 11:30 a.m. To date, the fire has burned approximately 200 acres and has not expanded.

Will Caron / Pohakuloa Training Area / Read
What really happened at the ʻAha, part IV

The international committee struggles to have its alternative documents to the federal-recognition constitution put before the participants for consideration.

Ka'iulani Milham / Read
Bernie made me white

How mainstream media tried and failed to whitewash Bernie Sanders’ Hawaii win

Hawaii Independent Staff / Civics / ntrsctn <
Poems for Fiji after Cyclone Winston

"I dreamt last night / that brown bodies, again, / were under water."

Craig Santos Perez / Pacific Eco-Poetics / Read
What really happened at the ʻAha, part III

Impediments to carrying out the people’s business continue throughout the final days of the convention.

Ka'iulani Milham / Read
Three major problems with the ʻAha constitution

Amid speculation about what will become of the Native Hawaiian Convention’s constitution, there are certain things that should be addressed. First, that the convention, composed by individuals who were not elected by anyone and whose placement came from a volunteer organization consisting of fewer than a half dozen officers and no membership, cannot claim to represent anyone but these unelected candidates themselves. Second, by limiting the membership of this ʻAha and the citizenry they identify in the constitution to “Native Hawaiians,” this document cannot accommodate either loyal Hawaiian Kingdom subjects nor Kanaka Maoli who are seeking decolonization and a UN approved exercise of our right to self-determination.

But the biggest problem with this constitution is its silence on the issue of “Ceded Lands.” Instead it refers to something called “National Lands” which, lacking clarification must be assumed to be whatever lands are conveyed to it, presumably by the U.S. government or the State of Hawaiʻi. Unlike Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi, which in 1987 laid claim to the “Ceded Lands” as our national lands, this document does nothing nearly so bold. This constitution says that, in terms of land, the Hawaiian government will take, not what it deserves and not what it is still entitled to; rather, it will take what it can get.

This is not the kind of call to nationhood that inspires pride and commitment. Indeed, it is careful to reserve its citizen’s right to continue to consider themselves Americans and makes it unlawful to legislate anything that would diminish the benefits they enjoy as Americans.

Even Kanaka Maoli who might not support independence should not enlist in a government that shrinks from offering what even the poorest governments in the world offer their people—a defined land base and a distinct identity for its citizens.

Jon Osorio / Read
Fear drives House push to continue East Maui stream diversion

Legislators side with a corporation over native stream ecosystems, taro farmers and rural communities harmed by more than a decade of stream diversions.

The Hawai‘i House of Representatives voted Tuesday to pass a highly contested measure that would allow former sugar giant Alexander and Baldwin (A&B) to continue diverting up to 400 million gallons of water per day from East Maui streams, notwithstanding a court order that found it in violation of state laws relating to revocable permits and water licenses.
According to their passionate and emotion-filled speeches, House leadership in Tuesday’s floor session believed Central Maui would turn into a “dustbowl,” schools and hospitals could be “forced to shut down,” and landowner A&B may seek to urbanize its former sugarcane lands if a bill reversing the court order does not pass.

However, scant evidence linked these concerns to the bill’s ultimate effect of allowing A&B to continue dewatering over a hundred streams in East Maui, for the next five years and while legal challenges to A&B’s monopolization of public trust water resources are resolved.

Representative Andria Tupola, who opposed the measure, noted in her own floor speech that a contested case hearings officer had already found there was enough water in East Maui to both provide for A&B’s water-thirsty sugar crops, as well as restore stream flow to the dozen streams that East Maui communities need for their own agricultural and domestic uses. She also questioned whether the county, which pays A&B for some of the water it diverts, would need any such legislation at all, since the county had already successfully applied for a stay of the court ruling with respect to its own demonstrated water needs.

The Senate’s Water, Land, and Agriculture Committee, in its deferral of the Senate version of this bill, determined that A&B failed to demonstrate an actual need for any East Maui water, particularly in light of its own alternative water sources. In deferring the Senate bill, Committee Chair Mike Gabbard urged the company to apply for a stay of the court ruling if it could show its operations and the balance of interests did in fact require the immediate diversion of East Maui streams.

A&B also has the option of following the established procedure for requesting and receiving a new revocable permit to cover its water usage through the end of 2016 and the cultivation of sugar in Central Maui. This would give the company nearly a year to develop plans for future agricultural uses of its land to justify a long-term lease for access to the water.

Proponents of the measure circulated an online petition to farmers and ranchers throughout the state suggesting that all Department of Land and Natural Resources revocable permits are now in question as a result of the court ruling. However, House Water and Land Chair Ryan Yamane, a supporter of the bill, acknowledged that an attorney general confirmed in a letter to him that the measure only affects A&B, and no other revocable permit holder, because A&B is the only entity with a permit in “holdover status.” Furthermore, the bill itself would only speculatively affect the handful of revocable permits relating to water use, and not land or pastoral rights that make up the bulk of revocable permits issued by the state.

By contrast, the hundreds of families and taro farmers in East Maui have already suffered actual harm for decades from insufficient water in the streams. Taro harvests have been lost, families have resorted to paying to have water trucked in for cooking and bathing purposes.

For some representatives, the dramatic display put on by bill proponents backfired. Representative Matt Lopresti, who had originally intended to support the measure “with reservations,” decided on the floor to oppose instead. “I have not seen more fear mongering than with this bill,” he observed, citing A&B’s own prior admissions in a Finance Committee hearing that it would not need water in the two years following the last sugar cane harvest, and that the subsequent transition to diversified agriculture from water-thirsty cane meant that far less water would be needed to keep Central Maui in agriculture. “Greed is not good; hoarding is not good,” he admonished. “There’s enough water for everybody, but even the company this bill was written for is saying we want that water, not need it.”

In a rebuttal, Representative Yamane sought to diminish A&B’s ability to use the 83 million gallons of water a day it can pump from its 15 private wells in Central Maui, to supplement the 55 million gallons per day it can divert from its private East Maui lands without a state revocable permit. He asserted that some of these wells could only provide brackish water unsuitable for diversified agriculture, with some wells providing water containing up to “1,280 milligrams of salt per liter.”

The United States Geological Service’s Groundwater Resources Program has noted that many investigators term “brackish water” as water with a total dissolved solid concentration of between 1,000 and 10,000 milligrams per liter, or mpl, with water of less than 1,000 mpl considered “fresh” (seawater has a concentration of approximately 32,000 mpl). Brackish water irrigation has been researched and implemented for over three decades and is seen as a critical agricultural alternative nationally and internationally, in light of diminishing fresh groundwater sources.

While the majority of the 51 House Representatives voted in favor of the bill, eight voted in opposition, and 12 others expressed reservations about the measure. With Tuesday’s vote, the bill will now go to the Senate for its consideration.

Bianca Isaki / Land and Water Use / Read
Poetry for the ʻōhiʻa tree (2)

#ʻōhiʻalove and other poems of strength, sadness and hope

Craig Santos Perez / Pacific Eco-Poetics / Read
A new EAducation

An interview with the young immersion-educated Hawaiian scholar who started Mauna Media to document, first-hand, the nearly year-long TMT blockade.

Karin Louise Hermes / Indigenous issues / Read