What really happened at the ʻAha, part II

Whitewashed press releases, a sinister state bill and a flippant disregard for the rules of the convention

Ka'iulani Milham / Read
Poetry for the ʻōhiʻa tree

"Inā ʻaʻole lākou, ʻaʻole kākou" ("If there is no them, there is no us")

Craig Santos Perez / Pacific Eco-Poetics / Read
What really happened at the Aha, part I

A look at what went on behind the closed gates of the Royal Hawaiian Golf Course last month.

Ka'iulani Milham / Read
I am a colonial settler

On the awareness and responsibilities required of settling in Hawaiʻi.

Tyler Greenhill / Indigenous issues / Read
Video: Hawaiian activists arrested outside Nai Aupuni Aha

A video posted to Facebook by user Kaukaohu Wahilani shows several Hawaiian activists, including Kaleikoa Kaʻeo and Kahoʻokahi Kanuha allowing themselves to be arrested by Honolulu police officers in protest of the Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha on Monday, Feb. 22. The small group of activists gathered outside the Royal Hawaiian Golf Club grounds where the ʻaha is taking place and attempted to gain access to the proceedings. They were denied access but refused to leave, and [Updated] seven were arrested for trespassing.

In the 4 minute clip, Kaʻeo and others explain to the officers that they cannot leave because they genuinely believe the results of the ʻaha will hurt the Hawaiian people. Both the activists and the police remain calm and respectful throughout the clip.

Aloha Aina oia io!!!

Posted by Kaukaohu Wahilani on Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Yesterday morning, before the arrests, Kaʻeo, Kanuha and 18 other Hawaiian activists released a signed statement  condemning the process, which they believe, “...violates the most basic principles of self-determination, upholds the status quo, and must be rejected.”

Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
Hawaiian leaders condemn Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha

Hawaiian community leaders are protesting the Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha today, and have issued a signed declaration rejecting the process and calling on other Hawaiians to do the same.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
Out to dry

High time to address river diversions in Waimea canyon

Dan Ahuna / Land and Water Use / Read
A modest disposal

To the Good Politicians, Business People, and Upright Citizens of Honolulu:

The problem as you have perceived about the homeless is their homelessness and what else can be more obvious and on point about this truism. It is a tautology that rings with genius. The more we say it the more we know we are virtuous and righteous.

It is as right as business owners shouting to their employees that they’re obviously not working hard enough or earn too much in wages and that’s the reason for the business failing. How could there be any other answer?
Let us not complicate the issue with indelicacies that would make our coffee conversation and camaraderie uncomfortable at the club. The issue of a minimum wage worker who works for 30 years without a retirement fund is really not realistically our business, is it? Can we help it if we like eating cheap Mexican food but hate undocumented immigrants? Then there is that thorny issue of statehood ceded lands in Hawaii, a portion of which should go to benefit native Hawaiians, and the Hawaiian Homes lands and the long waiting list. But really, is that our problem, when native Hawaiians are homeless in Hawaii?
And then there are the Micronesians who have come to Hawaii at the invitation of the U.S. government, after we have bombed their atolls and occupied their lands as way stations for our commercial shipping and military? Is it our fault that the federal government has not lived up to its obligation of promising to take care of them? Can we help it if we benefit from federal military spending in Hawaii but don’t like the fallout that comes with it?
Let’s move forward with the gentrification of Honolulu and $600,000 a unit condominiums as if we can all afford them and will earn real estate commissions off them in some Valhala way. Let us close our eyes in prayer to erase the image of who once lived on the foot print and parking lot of these hallowed condos. Let us pray even harder to forget that much of the agricultural land lacks clear title because somewhere, somehow, sometimes the land was really owned by Hawaiians who died of western diseases more than a century ago or abandoned their land after the overthrow of the monarchy when water was diverted for sugarcane and pineapple.
History is an inconvenience the rich and politically righteous can ill afford in fighting homelessness by attacking the homeless.
Let us dispose of history forthwith and ride the wave with those with a flair for the obvious. Let us continue to move the homeless to different parts of the Oahu until we can find the place with the fewest objections and least political power, like the way we build our freeways and prisons. Do not ask what is it. Let us go and pay a visit.

—J. Slow

J. Slow / Houselessness / Read
Accountant’s analysis of rail data shows “pattern of errors and inconsistencies”

Errors include the mixing of accrual basis and cash basis numbers; double counting $298 million in revenue; three different amounts for expenditures; flaws in projected ridership numbers; and a $140 million adding error, among others.

Natalie Iwasa / Rail / What Natalie Thinks <