Hawaii teachers baffled by bargaining impasse with the State
Beth-Ann Kozlovich /
Members of the Hawaii State Teachers Association held signs at the State Capitol during their "We Are One" rally in April. Courtesy Photo
Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame seeks contestants for Ka Himeni Ana 2011
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hawaii Conservation Week kicks off with a family fishing Sunday
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hui up! program educates students, gets Molokai residents energy efficient
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hawaii students get involved at the 2011 "We Have the Power" Clean Energy Rally organized by Blue Planet Foundation. Courtesy Photo
Booth vendors sought for Emergency Preparedness Fair in Ewa
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Feds face backlash for repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Hawaii Independent Staff /
President Barack Obama signs the certification stating the statutory requirements for repeal of DADT (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell) have been met, in the Oval Office on Friday, July 22. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
Solar energy initiatives spur industry growth in Hawaii
Jamie Winpenny /
A 236kW PV system installed atop the Kalanimoku State Building. In photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar cells convert the sun's energy directly into electricity. A common example of PV is a solar cell on a solar-powered calculator. Photo by State of Hawaii
Video: Pine hosts legislative info briefing on cyber crime
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hundreds gather to support Hyatt housekeepers
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Members of Hawaii's Local 5 staged a protest outside of the Hyatt Regency on July 21. Photos by Cade Watanabe
Artists gearing up for KAUPA community wall mural marathon
Hawaii Independent Staff /
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