Kahuku wind farm is one step closer to construction
Jade Eckardt /
Hawaii wind power /
Wind turbines in Kahuku, like the ones illustrated above, will supply energy to Oahu's grid. Some residents still say the structures will be an eye sore.
Blog: Rainbow Wahine head to World Series, ‘Bows baseball looks to do the same
Austin Zavala /
The UH softball team (49-14, 19-1 WAC) is going the Women’s College World Series for the first time in school history.
Waipahu O-bon festival is the first of the season
Austin Zavala /
The first bon dance of 2009 on Oahu Hawaii’s Plantation Village, Waipahu. Visit Champuru.net for mom blogging, bon dancing, and more.
Wahiawa: HPD reports 40 calls through 5/29
Jade Eckardt /
Mililani: HPD reports 46 calls through 5/29
Jade Eckardt /
Waimea: Road work weekly report
Jade Eckardt /
May 29: Foster Botanical Garden’s Spring Plant Sale brings the rare and unusual
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Facebook privacy: Does the world care?
GlobalPost /
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg responds to a question during a news conference at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, California on May 26, 2010.
Blog: From island to Ireland
Jamie Winpenny /
Kohala Center joins a national race to help our keiki stay healthy
Beth-Ann Kozlovich /
First Lady Michelle Obama runs in a foot race to promote the "Let's Move" program during an event with local kids and the U.S. Soccer Foundation at City Center in Washington, D.C.
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