Israeli raids: The view from Gaza
GlobalPost /
The Hamad family stands outside their unstable, half-destroyed home, which they've been unable to rebuild after last year's war.
Kaneohe-based studio spawns serious talent in the dance world
Lance Sabado /
24-7 danceforce on stage in rehearsal for "the real thing."
June 4: Mad Men Style First Friday at Catherine’s Closet
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Oil spill’s local, impact’s global
GlobalPost /
Oil is seen on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico in an aerial view of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill off the coast of Mobile, Ala., in this photograph taken from a U.S. Coast Guard HC-144 Ocean Sentry aircraft on May 6, 2010.
City Council: Jonathan Lai may have an advantage in temporary District IV appointment
Barb Forsyth /
Five front runners were nominated by City Council members out of the 27 individuals who came forward to replace Congressman Charles Djou.
Sobering times: How Hawaii handles its debt
Beth-Ann Kozlovich /
The average credit debt for a Hawaii household is about $3,000 according to Americans for Fairness in Lending.
Rainbow Wahine blast past Missouri in College World Series opener
Hawaii Independent Staff /
The Rainbow Wahine got past The Missouri Tigers in the opener of the College World Series.
Governor Lingle establishes Hawaii’s first surf reserves with zero funding
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Surfers watch the incoming sets at Sunset Beach.
Japan’s next leader?: All eyes are on outspoken finance minister Naoto Kan
GlobalPost /
Japan's Finance Minister Naoto Kan enters a news conference at the Democratic Party of Japan's headquarters in Tokyo, June 3, 2010. The posters of Yukio Hatoyama behind Kan read, "Change in Government" and "Keeping campaign promises."
Hawaii’s newspaper merger leaves 430 unemployed
Hawaii Independent Staff /
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