New tsunami evacuation zone maps on display at Public Information Outreach Workshops
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hope Chapel Kahaluu reaches out for bone marrow donors
Lance Sabado /
Maria (Shelly) Lagpacan, pictured above, was recently diagnosed with sickle cell anemia and needs a matching bone marrow donor. Shelly and her fiancé Shaun Sutherland share an embrace (pictured below).
Hui O Hee Nalu Independence Day race has record attendance
Jade Eckardt /
Paddleboarders of all types participated in Da Hui Independence Day race.
A service for surfer Marvin Foster held at Alii Beach Park
Jade Eckardt /
Moiliili residents pack town hall meeting to address ‘homeless problem’
Barb Forsyth /
Houselessness /
Moiliili residents spent hours talking about ways to address houselessness in the area.
Certification may be required for Hawaii dams
Hawaii Independent Staff /
West Oahu Family Festival brings weekend fun to the Leeward side
Hawaii Independent Staff /
LEAP lawsuits fight for all Hawaii children, disabled and nondisabled alike
Beth-Ann Kozlovich /
Autism Training Solutions (ATS) staff film special education methods with Hawaii families and autistic children. ATS is a Hawaii-based company that provides web-based training and support to the autism community and general public.
Sumo in crisis: Allegations of extortion and ties to the criminal underworld
GlobalPost /
Sumo wrestlers line up during a ritual ceremony at the start of an annual tournament.
July 2: Out and about on First Friday
Barb Forsyth /
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