Tobacco free UH Manoa

The University of Hawaii's Manoa campus plans to toughen its anti-smoking policy starting Jan. 1 with a total ban on tobacco products and electronic cigarettes— a move that would make it the first tobacco-free college campus in the state.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Star Advertiser <
HCDA releases 20-page PDF responding to questions from July

The full document is available here.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Read HI Spy <
Program for women and children OK for now

In spite of the federal government shutdown, Hawaii’s nutritional program for women, infants and children is still open for business.

Jolyn Okimoto Rosa / Government Shutdown 2013 / Read
Senator Mazie Hirono on the federal government shutdown
The country is being held hostage by a few dozen hardliners in the House who seem to be incapable of compromise. This is sad and frankly stupid considering the many other challenges our country faces.
Ikaika M Hussey /
Koa thefts in Kokee, Kauai

Theft of koa is a problem that continues to persist in Kokee State Park and finding a solution has not been easy.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Garden Island <
2100: Waikiki underwater

Rising sea levels mostly caused by man-made climate change will likely leave the edges of Waikiki.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Star-Advertiser <
Kauai community leader Andrea Brower, on pesticide concerns
There have been serious health and environmental concerns in regards to the pesticide-seed industry for years. When the county is finally making progress on beginning to address the issue, the sudden move by the governor for ‘voluntary action’ is weak at best, and a derailment at worse.
The Garden Island Ikaika M Hussey /
How to Breaking Bad-ize any webpage

For the many who are obsessed with Breaking Bad, a program that highlights elements on a webpage.

Hawaii Independent Staff /
The October 2013 issue is available
Hawaii Independent Staff / Read