Labor unions to rally at the Capitol today
Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
The U.S. intervention in Libya and the danger of regional war
Ibrahim Aoude / Read
A protest in front of the White House in support of protesters and rebels throughout the Middle East in March. There were signs and flags representing Libya, Yemem, Syria, Saudia Arabia, and Egypt. Photo by Phil Roeder
Lawmakers take a closer look at Hawaii’s tax code
David Keali`i MacKenzie / Read
With a GET tax hike proposal on the table, Hawaii lawmakers are taking a close look at the money generating potential of further tax reform.
City partners with Costco for recycling project
Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
City announces Earth Month teen video contest winners
Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
Hawaii needs to keep the GET hike proposal on the table
Josh Frost / Read
a 2009 study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, it was found that in Hawaii, people among the lowest 20 percent of income pay a significantly higher percentage of their income on “Sales and Excise” taxes than the top 20 percent. Offsetting costs for Hawaii's bottom bracket may make raising the GET feasible.
City DES responds to Pauoa sewage spill
Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
Mayor Carlisle kicks off City’s Hawaii Foodbank food drive
Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
Abercrombie, North Shore community leaders welcome power from Kahuku Wind
Jade Eckardt / Hawaii wind power / Read
Sitework for the First Wind Kahuku wind farm included clearing 58 acres, much of it done with a hydro-axe to minimize erosion runoff, and mass excavation for 12 turbine pads and haul roads. Photo from
Gov. Abercrombie nominee to 2nd Circuit Court withdraws
Hawaii Independent Staff / Read