Selling sex in paradise

Prostitution is a diverse, thriving industry in Honolulu, but misinformation about the highly varied nature of sex trafficking makes it harder to change laws that could provide protection to victims.

Marina Riker / Human Trafficking / Read
Keystone bill advances in Senate

Senator Brian Schatz stood in opposition to the bill, delivering the following speech on the Senate floor. Senator Hirono also voted nay.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
Voice your opinion on new Mauna Kea lease

The public has 30 days to comment on the environmental impact of UH's proposed new master lease for the Mauna Kea Science Reserve.

Will Caron / Read
Maui region hospitals seek solutions for hospitals’ longevity

HHSC Maui region to enter into partnership discussion with Hawai‘i Pacific Health

Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
No new day for school empowerment

A pair of new studies show decentralization of the DOE saw little progress over the past four years—will our new governor have more success?

Will Caron / Public education system / Read
Mayor moves forward on LED streetlights

Replacing the city's current sodium-based streetlights with light-emitting diodes could save $3 million annually.

Mayor Kirk Caldwell has released a request for proposals for a contractor to replace approximately 52,000 low pressure sodium (LPS) city streetlights with light-emitting diode (LED) streetlights.  A 2013 pilot project by the city demonstrated that retrofitting streetlights to LEDs provides significant cost savings, greater efficiency and increased visibility.

“Last year’s pilot project showed the advantages of transitioning all 52,000 city streetlights to LEDs,” said Mayor Caldwell. “By creating a public-private partnership to do the installation, the people of the City and County of Honolulu will receive the benefits without having to pay the initial upfront cost for installation. This innovative approach is a win for taxpayers, motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and the environment.”

Mayor Caldwell commenced a pilot project in June 2013 to replace approximately 400 street lights using U.S. Department of Energy funding. In his 2014 State of the City Address, Mayor Caldwell announced plans to replace all 51,700 city-owned street lights with LED fixtures, committing to a complete conversion in approximately 4 years through a public-private partnership.

Compared to existing LPS streetlight fixtures, the new LED lights reduce energy consumption by an average of 50 percent and have a payback period of four years. City streetlights consume approximately $6 million in electricity annually and the switch to LED is projected to save roughly $3 million in energy costs each year. The successful offeror will enter into a public-private partnership with the city and be paid for its services over a period of time through energy savings.

In addition to reduced energy costs, the city is also eligible for a $25 to $33 electricity rebate per fixture from Hawaii Energy.

LED streetlights are more energy efficient and provide brighter light directed towards the street, rather than radiating light toward surrounding homes and businesses as LPS streetlights do, enhancing public safety while reducing peripheral glare.

For more information on the project, please visit the city’s purchasing website at

Photo comparison source:

Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
Awakuni appointed to Ige cabinet

The former chief legal counsel for the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission will serve as director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.

Governor David Ige has appointed Catherine Awakuni Colón to serve as director of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA). Currently, Awakuni is the cable administrator in the DCCA’s Cable Television Division and served as the department’s executive director for its Division of Consumer Advocacy from 2006 to 2009. She previously served as chief legal counsel and commission counsel for the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC). Awakuni holds her J.D. from the University of Hawaii’s William S. Richardson School of Law.

For more background on Awakuni and her work with the PUC, click here.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
A clean energy holiday poem

Blue Planet gets into the holiday spirit with a re-worked "Night Before Christmas" that reviews Hawaii's progress as a clean-energy state during 2014.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Sustainability / Read
2015 Honolulu real property assessments

The city has determined that taxable real property on Oahu has increased 7.1 percent in value since last year.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
Obama does not represent Hawaii

When it comes to the Obama Presidential Library, we're better off without it.

Tyler Greenhill / Obama Presidential Library / Read