Sex, drugs, and education: An inside look at Hawaii’s schools
Jade Eckardt /
According to the National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse XV: Teens and Parents, more than one quarter of public school students attend gang- and drug-infected schools. The 15th annual back-to-school survey also finds a 39 percent jump in middle schoolers reporting drugs used, kept, sold on school grounds.
Hawaii Island senator to hold ‘frank’ public forums
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Grant ties Native Hawaiian education opportunities to support of Haleakala development
Hawaii Independent Staff /

An artist's rendition of the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope atop Haleakala.
Public Land Development Corporation to meet Monday following sunshine non-compliance
Ikaika M Hussey /
The Kalanimoku Building is the headquarters of the State Department of Land and Natural Resources. Photo from Aloha From Hawaii
Crown lands: New development arm of DLNR unbound by preservation mission
Travis Quezon /
Native Hawaiian activists, leaders, and practitioners stand in solidarity on a cold windy day at the Capitol against the State's pursuit of selling Hawaii's "ceded lands" in 2009. Courtesy Photo
Verbatim: Major conflicts of interest with Honolulu Rail Transit consulting firm
A preliminary rendering of the Pearlridge rail station. Courtesy Photo
Honolulu City Council to discuss fuel tax, electrical and gas projects
Hawaii Independent Staff /
HPD reminds Oahu drivers about checkpoints, don’t drink and drive
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Roller derby ladies skate for school drive
Hawaii Independent Staff /
In 2008, Pacific Roller Derby brought back the excitement of roller derby back to Honolulu. Courtesy Photo
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