Blog: On remembering family during Hawaii’s holiday season
Jamie Winpenny /
The Hawaii Independent's Downtown editor Jamie Winpenny was always a baseball fan.
Maui County Charter Commission needs members
Hawaii Independent Staff /
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange turns himself in
GlobalPost /
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during a press conference at the Geneva Press Club on November 4 in Geneva, Switzerland.
$90 million released from Hawaii’s Hurricane Relief, Rainy Day funds for school days, non-profits
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Leading ladies: Kings of Spade, Taimane, Sex Puppets take over Nextdoor
Jamie Winpenny /
Kings of Spade blends funk, rock, soul, and hip hop into a fresh Hawaii sound.
Once-A-Month Punk returns to Waikiki Sandbox
Jamie Winpenny /
Billabong Pipe Masters commences on the arrival of a new swell
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Wave face heights of up to 15 feed are expected at Pipeline tomorrow.
State House minority leader points to federal funds as a solution to charter school nepotism charges
Hawaii Independent Staff /
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