Troops wonder what McChrystal was thinking
GlobalPost /
U.S. soldiers with C Troop 1-71 CAV are pictured during sunrise at a temporary checkpoint in Dand district, south of Kandahar, June 21, 2010.
Kapolei Health Care Center relocates, accepts new patients
Austin Zavala /
The Kapolei Health Care Center, at its new location, is currently accepting new patients.
Honolulu’s financial plan includes $1.8 billion operating budget
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Let the drag race begin
Lance Sabado /
Republican filibuster stops unemployment benefits, Obama’s hands tied
Special to The Hawaii Independent /
Living green: Start somewhere and see where it takes you
Beth-Ann Kozlovich /
Mindy Pennybacker is a journalist specializing in personal and environmental health and helping consumers identify truly, verifiably green products.
A weakened Tropical Storm Celia expected to bring Hawaii rain
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Laniakea Beach event highlights Hawaii’s vulnerable marine life
Jade Eckardt /
Laniakea Beach on Oahu's North Shore is also known as "Turtle Beach," for obvious reasons.
Jikoen Temple, a symbol of anti-discrimination in Hawaii, faces threat of closure
Travis Quezon /
The community gathers at Jikoen Temple in Kalihi every Bon Dance season.
Federal grant assists low-income farm workers statewide
Hawaii Independent Staff /
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