Following beach eviction, Waianae man commits suicide
Ikaika M Hussey /
Above, a tattered American flag left behind by a camper at "Guardrails" beach drapes from a tree. Below, the belongings of a "Guardrails" beach resident were lit on fire to protest evictions by the City today. The remnants of Waianae's "tent city" were carted off in caravans of vehicles.
UH energizes late summer’s arts scene with August Days Dance Series
Barb Forsyth /
Keiko Fujii Dance Company.
UH data breach echoes 2009 incident at KCC
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Drought: All four Hawaii counties designated as agriculture disaster areas
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hawaii Island agriculture has been among the hardest hit by this year's droughts.
July 29: Castle Medical Center Wellness Cuisine cooking class heats up
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hawaii students take top honors in robotics competitions
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Waialua High School’s FIRST Robotics team won the excusive Indianapolis Robotics Invitational. Waialua completed a successful 2010 FIRST Robotics season, winning the San Diego, Arizona, and Hawaii Regional Competitions.
Is the Defense of Marriage Act valid? A federal court judge says ‘no’
Hawaii Independent Staff /
UH’s largest ever class of medical students begins studies this week
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Equal is Equal campaign counters calls for Hawaii boycotts
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Honolulu looks to upgrade parking meters
Hawaii Independent Staff /
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