Hawaii nonprofit recognized for establishment of Hawaii Environmental Court

The Outdoor Circle has been recognized by a major national non-profit for its work establishing an environmental court here in Hawaii.

At its annual awards ceremony Tuesday, national nonprofit Keep America Beautiful recognized The Outdoor Circle for its distinguished service in helping to pass Act 218, SLH 2014, which established Hawaii’s Environmental Court. Hawaii is only the second state in the U.S. to establish a statewide court to adjudicate environmental cases.

“This is a great honor and a wonderful opportunity to build stronger relationships with other environmental advocates from around the country,” said Outdoor Circle Board President, Alexandra Avery. “We are grateful to be recognized for our hard work helping to keep Hawaii clean, green and beautiful.”

While in Washington D.C., President Avery and others visited with Hawaii’s congressional delegation, including Senator Schatz, Congresswoman Gabbard and Congressman Takai. 

“I want to sincerely thank the members of The Outdoor Circle for their devoted service to Hawaii, and congratulate this great organization on being honored by Keep America Beautiful,” said Congressman Mark Takai. “I was proud to work alongside The Outdoor Circle and other state legislators to help create the Hawaii Environmental Court. We need to protect Hawaii’s natural beauty, and the establishment of this court will go a long way toward preserving our Islands for future generations.”

Keep America Beautiful is a national non-profit working to protect the environment, improve communities, and beautify public spaces. The establishment of environmental courts in the U.S. as a way to improve environmental protection is a key goal of both organizations.

The Outdoor Circle partnered with Keep the Hawaiian Islands Beautiful, the Hawaii affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, to advocate for the establishment of Hawaii’s Environmental Court. A court specializing in environmental cases will help to improve enforcement against violations of our public trust resources, such as road-side dumping, illegal fishing, and water contamination.  Hawaii’s court will go into effect on July 1, 2015.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Environmentalism / Read
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Conservationists mobilize against Ige’s DLNR nomination

More than twenty groups oppose Carleton Ching as new chair of the land and resource-management arm of the executive branch of the state government.

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Petition opposing Ige’s DLNR nomination surpasses goal

Governor stands behind "the right person for the job."

Ikaika M Hussey / Read
Ten years ago, Ching called for LUC to be dismantled

Ching: "Just sign a document and tell us go"

From a 2005 Honolulu Advertiser report by Gordon Pang on a move by Carleton Ching, Igeʻs nominee to DLNR, to remove regulations on development.

Housing developers told legislators yesterday that it takes too long to get government approvals and urged them to streamline the land-use process, in part by reducing the role of the state Land Use Commission.

The lack of affordable housing is “a supply-and-demand issue,” said Carleton Ching, director of community and governmental relations for Castle & Cooke Homes. The housing supply cannot meet the demand when applications for such projects are tied up in the lengthy permit process, he said.

Ching was one of a number of developers who appeared before the Senate’s task force on affordable housing yesterday. Streamlining the land-use process was among the suggestions made in a report issued Monday by a government and private industry task force coordinated by the Housing and Community Development Corp. of Hawai’i.

It often takes four years to obtain approvals from the Land Use Commission and another two more years to get county permits, Ching said, “and then you go get the (building) permits after that.”

Asked by one senator how long it should take to approve a housing development, Ching deadpanned, “Just sign a document and tell us go,” drawing laughter from yesterday’s participants.

Via Henry Curtis. Curtis notes that in 2008 Calvin Say advanced HB 2683, which would have also abolished the LUC. That bill was killed by the State Senate.

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David Ige, one-term wonder?

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What does the DLNR do?

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Hawaii Independent Staff / 350 Hawaii <
Castle & Cooke lobbyist nominated for DLNR head

Carleton Ching, the government relations director for Koa Ridge developer Castle & Cooke, is being tapped by Governor David Ige for the chairmanship of the Department of Land and Natural Resources.

From the official announcement:

HONOLULU – Governor David Ige today announced the nominations of Carleton Ching to serve as Chairperson of the Department of Land and Natural Resources and Kekoa Kaluhiwa to the position of First Deputy.

Ching has devoted much of his career to creating communities for Hawaiʻi’s residents. Early on he spent a decade with the Hawaiʻi Housing Authority where he specialized in building affordable homes. From his time at the Authority he is best known for his role in facilitating a resolution to the contentious conflict between the Waiāhole-Waikane Community Association and the state. Following this he worked for Westloch, Inc., Castle & Cooke Kunia, Molokai Ranch and SSFM International. Currently he is the Vice President, Community and Government Relations, for Castle & Cooke Hawaii. In this role, he supports the organization’s real estate, agricultural and renewable energy initiatives. He is an active volunteer with a number of business, housing, health and education non-profit organizations.

“Stewardship of Hawaiʻi’s unique resources is one of the most critical tasks of State government, and Carleton Ching has the heart, knowledge and skills to lead the Department of Land and Natural Resources,” said Governor David Ige. “No one understands better the complex issues this Department handles and how to balance the needs of our environment and our residents.”

Ching graduated from Kaimuki High School and earned a Business Administration Degree at Boise State University where he was an imposing left tackle for the Broncos.

“It’s humbling to be asked to protect Hawaiʻi’s natural, cultural and historic resources,” said Ching. “I am committed to upholding the mission and purpose of the DLNR. My inspiration comes from my keiki and my moʻopuna. I want to leave Hawaiʻi a better place for them and for future generations.”

Ige’s pick for second-in-command of DLNR is Kekoa Kaluhiwa, who has worked previously for Senator Dan Akaka and First Wind, a renewable energy company.

Ikaika M Hussey / Ige Administration / Read