Rare stranded cetacean reveals possible threat

New research from Hawai'i Pacific University on a rarely documented whale has central Pacific scientists on alert for a disease which may affect the mortality rate of dolphins and other marine mammal species.
Based on this research, other Central Pacific marine mammals will also be tested for the morbillivirus diesease .

Hawaii Independent Staff / KHON <
Kiaaina appointed as DLNR deputy

The former Congressional staffer and recent candidate for the US House takes Guy Kaulukukui's place in the Abercrombie administration.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Press Release <
Hugo Chavez re-elected

Hugo Chavez was re-elected to a new six-year term as President of Venezuela. Chavez won the presidency with 55 percent of the vote against opponent Henrique Capriles. Chavez says that he will continue with the socialist reforms that he had implemented in his previous term.

Hawaii Independent Staff / The Atlantic <
Meningitis outbreak linked to steroid

A steroid may be suspected in the recent fungal meningitis outbreak. On Monday, the number of people sick reached 105, and it is not clear how many people have been infected. The steroid was used to treat pain and inflammation. The company that produced the steroid has recalled all of it's products as a precaution. UPDATE Oct 10: The death toll has reached 12.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Associated Press <
New voters will need ID

In previous elections, voters without identification could still vote if they could answer personal questions at the precinct. For November 6, they'll need their papers.

Hawaii Independent Staff / hawaii.gov <
Did Lingle win the debate?

John Hart, HPU Communications Chair, as quoted by KHON:

"I thought in terms of the closing statements, Mazie's statement was quite good at summarizing her best argument, which is she thinks most people in Hawaii agree with her. So not in terms of who should be the better senator, not in terms of who I would vote for or you should vote for, but if you ask me who won this debate? Linda Lingle won this debate this evening," said Hart.

Hawaii Independent Staff / The next senior senator / KHON <
For October 9
Ikaika M Hussey /
For October 8
Ikaika M Hussey /
It’s debate day

The Honolulu Mayoral Debate begins this morning at 10 am, in UH Law School Classroom #2. Please join us, or follow the debate live on ‘Olelo channel 53. We'll be tweeting using the hashtag #hnlmayor, so you can chime in on that search term.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Honolulu Mayoral Race /
For October 5
Ikaika M Hussey /