Put up your ‘Dukes’: What’s your impression of Hawaii’s gubernatorial candidates?

Hawaii Independent Staff

The Hawaii Independent has two very polar views on the latest developments in Hawaii’s governor’s race. Recently released poll numbers have Gary Hooser, the former State Senate Majority Leader who has represented Kauai and Niihau since 2002, baffled at growing support for Republican gubernatorial candidate Duke Aiona. And conservative commentator Steve Jackson is equally concerned about Democratic candidate Neil Abercrombie’s plans for bigger government.

Comment: On Duke Aiona, the far right, and the First Congressional District
By Gary Hooser

“You see, Aiona is the ‘righteous one.’ Aiona has been chosen by God to save Hawaii from burning in hell. Visit the churches hosting the ‘Duke’ signs out front and they will tell you this. They will tell you that God has sent them a sign, and that Duke has been chosen by God to lead us all down the path to righteousness.”

Read the entire column by Gary Hooser here.

Comment: Hawaii voters have to understand what comes with an Abercrombie economy
By Steve Jackson

“Aiona may not be as socially independent as Abercrombie is. However, my argument is that we do not have the luxury to address social issues (ones that have already been voted on). Democrats could have overridden Lingle’s veto of House Bill 444—they didn’t. The world is a competitive place and Hawaii will struggle if we cannot become competitive.”

Read the entire column by Steve Jackson here.

The Hawaii Independent would like to hear and publish your views on Hawaii’s governor’s race, and other political races, going into November’s General Election. Email your opinions to [email protected].