March 31: Hawaii Kua Uli, The Sweep of Hawaiian Ecosystems

Hawaii Independent Staff

Hawaii Kua Uli: The Sweep of Hawaiian Ecosystems is the topic for this month’s Natural Treasures of Hawaii free lecture series, every last Wednesday of the month, on March 31 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at ING Direct Cafe, 1958 Kalakaua Ave.

The lecture will explore coast to summit, from Lake Waiau down through the streams, from the streams to the sea, and from our surface waters to our subterranean regions.

Guest lecturer Dr. Samuel M. Ohukaniohia Gon III, of the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, will blend scientific and cultural perspectives on the systems, plants, and animals that reside in the special environments of the islands.

Dr. Gon has over 30 years of experience in Hawaiian ecology. He has also applied his island conservation expertise in cooperative projects and workshops in the Galapagos Islands, the Philippines, Pohnpei, Palau, Jamaica, Okinawa, Amazonia, and Rapanui. As an expert in Hawaiian history and culture, Sam’s background has been an important asset in working with local communities. As a kahuna kakalaleo (practitioner of Hawaiian chant and protocol), he serves as a Kahuna Pule (prayer master) at the heiau of Pu’u Kohola at Kawaihae. Sam strives to blend the richness of unique Hawaiian ecosystems with the equally rich culture that developed here in these islands. Sam currently serves as Senior Scientist and Cultural Advisor for the Nature Conservancy.

Each attendee will receive a coupon for one free beverage to redeem at the ING Direct Cafe.

For more information, visit