Does Honolulu need a bike sharing system?
Across an ocean and a continent, the residents of New York City have a a new bicycle sharing program. For a $95 annual membership fee, members can tool around the city, zigging around yellow taxis and zagging around pedestrians. Our friends at New York Magazine have a round-up of “What Everyone Likes and Dislikes About Citibike So Far.” The highlights? Docking the bike can be a challenge; it’s a good thing there’s an app, but sometimes it sucks; and apparently a lot of people aren’t good bike riders.
These are all probably valid complaints – complaints which should be instructive for Honolulu, which may soon be the home for a fellow bike sharing program. A Honolulu bike tour is in the works for mid-June, and the city’s Department of Planning and Permitting will be kicking off a study shortly on how a bike share program could work here.
And hey – if Manhattan Island can do it, so can O‘ahu.