Dear Governor, dear Mayor: take action now
Members of Oahu's Neighborhood Board system sent an open letter to Honolulu Mayor Blangiardi and Governor Ige.
Dear sirs,
The Covid-19 pandemic is raging out of control throughout the island of Oahu. We are concerned about the pressure on our island’s hospital system, the safety of our children who are not able to be vaccinated, and the general health and welfare of our community and economy.
As the executive leaders of our State and County, we request your immediate action and attention to this escalating crisis. We ask for the following course of action:
1. Mandatory testing of all visitors to Hawaii, pre and post-arrival
2. A temporary 2-3 week shutdown to bring case counts down
3. Suspension of all large gatherings
4. Keep safe outdoor spaces open (beaches and parks)
5. Use surplus federal and local dollars to ease the economic pain of a temporary shutdown
We need action. Thank you for your attention.
Dylan Armstrong
Jackie Burke
Kalihi Valley
Dyson Chee,
Ala Moana/Kakaako
Josh Frost
Bixby Ho
Ikaika Hussey
Kalihi Valley
Kim Coco Iwamoto
Ala Moana/Kakaako
Trish La Chica
Levani Lipton
John Reppun,
Healani Sonoda, Ka Lahui Hawai’i Komike Kalai’aina
Ryan Tam
Ala Moana/Kakaako