Tennis courts, Lake Wilson, and high school eco-team discussed at Wahiawa Board meeting
The Wahiawa—Whitmore Village Neighborhood Board No. 26 held their regular monthly meeting on February 28. A variety of community issues were discussed by both board members and residents.
The lights at the Wahiawa Tennis Court were discussed when a resident asked if the lights could be changed to white bulbs to allow better visibility. It was noted that Councilmember Martin’s representative had a meeting with Parks and Recreation for the tennis courts and they began working on replacing bulbs and have work orders written to replace the yellowing light bulbs.
The dropping water level in Lake Wilson wilson was discussed when Pang updated the board on the lake’s status. Concerns about the world class fish in the lake were expressed and it was noted by Board member Lowery that Dole will be doing repairs to try and prevent the kake level from dropping further. A new CIP project for Lake Wilson will be pushed by Senator Dela Cruz to study phytol restoration.
The board witnessed a presentation by the Environmental Project World Environmental Action Catalyst Team (W.E.A.C.T.), a group created by students from Leilehua High School, that was formed to help reduce pollution. They have proposed to replace the government issued spray paint warnings with a permanent and environmentally friendly ceramic time that was created with the help of several elementary school students.
To help with their endeavor, they asked that the board allow them to install their tiles on or near the storm drains in the community. The groups says it will replace the government spray paint warnings which wash off in rain and further pollute the environment.
The complete meeting minutes are below.
CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Joe Francher called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.; with a quorum of five (5) members present. Note – This nine (9) member Board requires five (5) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.
Members Present – Joseph Francher, Dean Harvest (arrived at 7:20), Jeanne Ishikawa, Silvia Koch (arrived 7:08), Mary Jane Lee, Robert Lormand, Hugh Lowery.
Members Absent – Ben Acohido and Cindy Bauer.
Vacancies – The Board has no current vacancies.
Guests - Wayne and Janet Kim, Patrick Bell, Dave Watkins (NCTAMS PAC), Chris Murphy, Lieutenant Eric Brown (Honolulu Police Department), Randy Gallespie (Lanakila Pacific), Alesia Au, Mary-Ann Christian (Lanakila Pacific), Sheila Lee, D & C Minter, Barbara J. Ladno, Tommy P. Meza, Colwell Aranio, Jason Cruz, Maunaloa Tulimaiau, Bobby Hukaya, Joe Soares, Benny S. Quiseng, John V. Lee, Raymond Pang (Senator Donovan Dela Cru’s Office Staff), Rose Baysa, Bert Baysa, Barney Chang, Rolanda Mariano, Mrarian Tsuji and Aisha Wang (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice Chair Francher welcomed everyone to the meeting and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
7:08 Koch arrived; Six (6) members present.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): There was no representative and report unavailable.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Lieutenant Eric Brown reported the following;
· January 2011 Statistics: There was a total of 54 calls that HPD responded to in the area of Wahiawa, 2 Unauthorized Control of a Propelled Vehicle (UCPV), 8 Auto Thefts, 13 Burglaries, 7 Unauthorized Entry into Motorized Vehicles (UEMV), 3 Graffiti, and 21 Thefts.
· Wahiawa District Park: Addressing the residentially challenged that are loitering around and there were 10 citations for this. They are partnering with Lanakila services to assist in clearing the parks. The problem is that they have a place to go back to once they are removed.
7:20 Harvest arrived; seven Board members present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
Peeping Tom: A Board member wanted to know if there was anything to report about a suspected peeping tom in the Wahiawa area, however Lt. Brown didn’t have anything to report.
Wahiawa Shopping Center: The Lieutenant was asked about an incident that occurred two weeks ago at the Wahiawa Shopping Center. The Lieutenant had no report on this incident but will follow up when he knows more information.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS): There was no representative and report unavailable.
United States Navy: Chief Dave Watkins reported the following:
Change in Command: Lieutenant Galbreath has returned to Afganistan and in his place will be Warrant Officer Patrick Bell.
Mayor Peter Carlisle’s Representative: Director of Parks and Recreations Gary Cabato reported the following:
Norfolk Tree: Is on private property and they cannot touch the tree so they told the person that he is responsible for the tree and can trim it or take it down completely.
Treatment for pests at the Wahiawa District Park: Treated for red ants, rodents and termites and are coordinating with the district park to assure that the Park is vacant. They have been taking time to work around the park being occupied by residents utilizing the facilities.
Fred Wright Field: Followed up on the lights and replaced some of the lights because the field is soft and they are waiting for the field to get healthier.
California Avenue Reconstruction: Discussed with Director of Planning and Permitting about the progress of the reconstruction. They are having difficulties with the sidewalk having to be ADA compliant and they need to find a solution to widen the sidewalks. There is an issue of budgeting and availability of funds.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
Wahiawa Tennis Court Lights: A resident asked if the lights at the tennis court could be changed to white bulbs to allow better visibility. Councilmember Martin’s representative actually had a meeting with the Parks and Recreation people for the Tennis Courts and they began working on replacing bulbs and have work orders written to replace the yellowing light bulbs.
Board of Water Supply Cast Iron Pipes: There is a problem with the California Avenue restoration because they are finding that BWS cast iron pipes are in the way. Board member Harvest did respond that he was aware of the cast iron pipes that were in the way and would be rerouted so that there would be minimal interruption while California Avenue is being worked on.
District Park Electrical Supply: A Board member would like to know if it would be possible to make more power available for outdoor activities like the Pineapple Festival. He states that there are very few outlets available as a power source and would like to request greater availability. Director of Parks and Recreation will look into the feasibility of this request.
California Avenue: There is a bus stop that has a pole in the sidewalk blocking entry into the bus stop facility. Cabato will look into this situation.
Redesigning Room: Representative from Lanakila Pacific asked if there were any problems with his company making a bid to re-do the room.
Field Usage: A resident asked if his team could practice at the City owned park during the off season. The director of Parks and Recreation responded that as long as the field is not reserved by another organization, he saw no reason why the football team couldn’t hold practice on the City field.
Private Property: A Board member asked if there were limits on structures erected on private property. Cabato responded that he didn’t want to answer incorrectly, but he knew of a variance on private property that deals with the width, not the height.
Trash Can at New Bus Stop: A Board member reported that a new bus stop just below Dole Road on California Avenue doesn’t have a trash can and the person requested that one be placed there. Cabato will look into that and respond at the next meeting.
Whitmore Field: A resident is requesting that parents be allowed to fill the holes so as to make the field safe to use for softball and little league practice. The big issue is the Whitmore field because the run off comes right onto the field and that makes it dangerous because of the large holes created. The representative responded that he would look into it, but he as director of Parks and Recreation didn’t see a problem with it.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): There was no representative and report unavailable
Councilmember Ernie Martin: Councilmember Martin’s staff Heidi Tsuneyoshi presented the following;
California Avenue /BWS Cast Iron Pipes: Did a site visit and found that the cast iron piping that was initially placed by BWS has to be dug out and replaced. The project is estimated to take 425 days.
Wahiawa District Park: Councilmember Martin visited the Wahiawa District Park to address concerns raised about overuse and the condition of the facilities. They found that the upkeep of restroom facilities was in need of repair Councilmember Martin also saw a need for repainting and sprucing up the gym for public use.
Wahiawa Civic Center; Keeping on top of the cutting of the overgrown weeds. Trying to get a better, more regular schedule of maintenance.
Ohana Fair: On Saturday, February 19th, in Dot’s parking lot various community groups attended.. Groups such as Friends of Wahiawa Library, a few groups from Leilehua High School, Peterson Farm and other groups that are invested in the Wahiawa community gathered to enjoy family entertainment,
Farmer’s Market: They are on to the next step of getting a proper permit from the Office of Economic Development. So the process is moving forward.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Air Conditioning for the Police Department: Board member requested that Councilmember Martin follow up on the problem of confined spaces after a woman reportedly fainted from heat in the police department.
2. Wahiawa Civic Center: Board member wanted to thank Councilmember Martin’s office for the job well done in getting the overgrown grass cut in the Wahiawa Civic Center.
3. Bus Transit Center: Any status on the Bus transit center. Representative Tsuneyoshi said they would have more information for the next meeting.
4. Erected Statue: Councilmember Martin was asked to look into the Buddhist temple by residents next door. They were asked to speak further to Councilmember Martin’s representative to apprise her of the situation.
Governor’s Representative: There was no representative and report unavailable
Senator Donavan Dela Cruz: Representative Raymond Pang reported the following:
Lake Wilson: Pang updated the Board on status of Lake Wilson as the water level is dropping. Discussion regarding the cause of the drop In water level ensued. Concerns about the world class fish in the Lake. Board member Lowery reported\ that Dole will be doing repairs to try and prevent the Lake level from dropping further. New CIP project for Lake Wilson will be pushed by Senator Dela Cruz to study phytol restoration.
Wahiawa Library Grass: Overgrown grass that was not cleared was due to the heavy rains and there was only a two man crew covering the area. Senator Dela Cruz’s office will stay on top of the maintenance and urged the crew to keep to a stricter grass cutting schedule.
Status of Baseball/Softball Field: The project wont continue until there is a proper field site for the baseball/softball plans.
Walkway to Leilehua School: From the last meeting there was a question regarding the responsibility of the walkway that is chained and becoming unsightly. Pang reported that this is private owned land and he was unable to determine the responsibility of the walkway.
Construction Yard: Pang reported that a house next to the construction yard received a letter notifying them that the demolition of the yard would occur on February 17th. Senator Dela Cruz’s office is working on determining the notification restrictions for this type of activity.
Representative Marcus Oshiro There was no representative and report unavailable
Tree Trimming: Concerned resident brought up to direct safety issues towards military because each time they trim, the branches that fall are damaging her yard. Board member Lowery gave her the community relations officer Amy at 656-3158.
Wahiawa Hospital: Boarrd member wanted to invite Wahiawa General Hospital to share new services including a new machine that they purchased for mammograms.
APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: Vice Chair Francher asked the Board members to review the minutes of the January 24, 2011 meeting minutes for corrections. The following correction was made.
· Page 3 Naming of Wahiawa Bus Terminal: There was a resolution which passed to re-name a bus terminal after Ellen Hyer. The sign will be placed at the Wahiawa bus terminal and Councilmember Martin will inform the Board of the ceremony.
The regular meeting minutes of the November 15, 2010 were APPROVED with amendments (7-0-0 (AYE Francher, Harvest, Ishikawa, Koch, Lee, Lormand, Lowery).
Environmantal Project World Environmental Action Catalyst Team (W.E.A.C.T.) A group of Leilehua High School Students created the group W.E.A.C.T. This organization was formed to help reduce pollution, and they have proposed to replace the government issued spray paint warnings with a permanent and environmentally friendly ceramic time that was created with the help of several elementary school students.
To help with their endeavor, they are asking that the Board allow then to install their tiles on or near the storm drains in the community. This will replace the government spray paint warnings which wash off in rain and further pollute the environment. For more information they have a website set up at Or you can call their advisor Karen Yamamoto at Leilehua High School at 622-6569.
Certificates of Appreciation: Deferred until a later time.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Harvest reported that for the month of February there were expenditures in the operating budget of $327.37 and no publicity expenditures leaving an ending balance of $3,446.07 for the month of February. The report was filed.
Dam/Waterway:Board member Lowery reported that Dole will be working on repairs to Lake Wilson.
Wahiawa Community Base Development Organization: Offering a micro enterprise training class and anyone interested can contact Joe Francher.
Board Meeting Site: Discussion on where the next meeting site would be. They need to decide tonight whether or not they will be having the next meeting at Whitmore Village because a lot of the issues deal with Whitmore community issues.
Hearing no objections and based on availability and funds the next Board meeting will be held at Whitmore.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
Submitted by Aisha A.C. Wang, Neighborhood Assistant