Skate park, learning center, and thefts discussed at North Shore Neighborhood Board meeting
The North Shore Neighborhood Board held their monthly meeting on February 22.
Thefts in the Pupukea neighborhood were discussed. A community member asked if HPD knew the group of thieves who were breaking into houses in the area. An HPD representative noted thieves work their way around the island and do not typically stay in a particular area very long.
Mail stolen from mail boxes in Pupukea was also a topic at the meeting. It was reported thieves have been stealing mail in the Pupukea area and the community was advised to work with the community policing group and to report any suspicious activity immediately.
Gary Cabato, director of the Banzai Skate Park, has been exploring ways to improve the conditions of existing facilities and existing projects like the North Shore park. Councilmember Martin is working closely with DPR to incorporate suggestions gathered from the public to improve the park. A process is being established for accepting donations to be exclusively used for completion of the park.
Kamehameha School representatives Kalani Fronda and Jeff Overton reported the Kapaeloa Cultural Learning Center is one of seven Kamehameha Schools projects planned for the North Shore. Draft Environmental Assessments for the projects are being filed with the Department of Planning and Permitting. The Kapaeloa Cultural Learning Center will allow students to learn the cultural value of the North Shore and its surrounding resources. The center will provide an overnight educational experience and is expected to be used 144 days out of the year. An open air pavilion, a series of cabins and a caretaker residence will be constructed. The project will also restore native vegetation to the property.
Complete meeting minutes are below.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Michael Lyons called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. with a quorum of thirteen (13) members present. Note – This 15-member Board requires eight (8) votes to establish a quorum and take official board action.
Members Present: Bruce Bellows, Tammy Ann Escorzon, John Hirota, Arlene Kawahakui, Jacqueline Leinau, Roberts “Bob” Leinau, Michael Lyons, Blake McElheny, Antya Miller, Jacob Ng, Kathleen Pahinui, Carol Philips, Warren Scoville and Thomas Shirai (Appointed at this meeting).
Vacancies: There is one (1) vacancy in Sub-District 1.
Members Absent: Jeff Alameida.
Guests: Keapoi Namakaeha (Ho’ala Housing), Nash Witten, Will Schoettle, Stew Ring (Mokuleia Community Association), Marianne Abrigo, Kalani Fronda, S. Todani and Jeff Overton (Kamehameha Schools), Lt. Eric Brown (Honolulu Police Department), Sandy Nahoopii-Soong (Board of Water Supply), Virg Basilio, Ambika Ramamusthy, Maj. Ronaldo B. Cabales (8th Military Brigade), FF1 EvanYamada (Honolulu Fire Department), Karen Gallagher (Sunset Beach Community Association), B. Valdez, Reed Matsuura (Councilmember Ernie Martin’s Office staff), Diane Anderson, Raymond Pang and Dane Wick (Senator Donovan Dela Cruz’s Office staff), Senator Donovan Dela Cruz, Van A., K. Van Der Leeden, Day Cole, Jeannie Martinson (Sunset Beach Community Association President) and Kazu McArthur (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
FILLING OF BOARD VACANCIES – The Chair opened the floor for persons interested in filling the vacancy in sub-district 1. Marianne Abrigo volunteered to fill the vacancy and introduced herself to the community. Thomas Shirai volunteered to fill the vacancy and introduced himself to the community. The Neighborhood Assistant notified the Chair both candidates had their addresses verified before the meeting was called to order. R. Leinau nominated Shirai to fill the vacancy. Miller nominated Abrigo to fill the vacancy. The Chair closed nominations and opened the floor for discussion. A community member testified in support of Abrigo and her service to the community and participation on other community organizations. The Chair instructed the Board to vote on the vacancy by stating the name of the desired candidate as each Board member’s name is read. Thomas Shirai was APPOINTED to fill the vacancy in sub-district 1, 8-4-1 (Shirai: Bellows, Kawahakui, J. Leinau, Lyons, McElheny, Ng, Philips and Scoville Abrigo: Escorzon, Hirota, Miller and Pahinui ABSTAIN: R. Leinau).
The Chair called a five (5) minute recess at 7:11 p.m. to allow the neighborhood assistant to administer the oath of office. 14 members present following the administration of the oath of office. The agenda resumed order.
Honolulu Fire Department – FF1 Evan Yamada reported the following;
January 2011 Statistics: 3 structure fires, 7 rubbish fires, 36 medical emergencies, 8 search/rescues and 10 miscellaneous calls.
· Fire Safety Tip: Smoke alarms save lives and are an important part of a home fire escape plan. Since the late 1970’s, properly installed and maintained smoke alarms have contributed to a 50% decrease in fire deaths. According to the National Fire Protection Association, occupants are twice as likely to survive a home fire if there are working smoke alarms. An estimated 890 lives could be save each year if homes contained working smoke alarms. Follow the following safety tips:
o Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of your home, including the basement.
o Test smoke alarms at least once a month or as directed by the manufacturer.
o Replace smoke alarm batteries once a year or as directed by the manufacturer.
o The best smoke alarms are hardwired and interconnected so that if one alarm detects smoke, all alarms in the house are activated. These also have backup batteries that must be maintained.
o Designate a safe meeting place outside your home, and practice your family escape plan.
· Fireworks: Fireworks permits can be obtained for use of fireworks on New Years Eve, Chinese New Years, Fourth of July, for births, deaths, anniversaries, funerals, weddings, grand openings, blessings, and other cultural uses.
Honolulu Police Departmet – Lt. Eric Brown reported the following;
December 2010 Statistics: Included 10 burglaries, 22 unauthorized entries into a motor vehicle (UEMV), 31 thefts, 7 auto thefts and 2 auto theft recoveries.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Pupukea Home Thefts: It was asked if HPD knew the group of thieves breaking into houses in the Pupukea area. HPD noted thieves work their way around the island and do not typically stay in a particular area very long. It was suggested working with the community policing group to identify any thieves in the community.
Pupukea Mail Thefts: It was reported thieves have been stealing mail in the Pupukea area. The community was advised to work with the community policing group and to report any suspicious activity immediately.
Speeding Enforcement: It was suggested HPD take a more proactive approach to curb speeding. It was asked and clarified HPD has worked with schools to educate teenagers on the dangers of speeding. It was noted brochures have been published and circulated in areas where teenagers loiter. Brochures may be obtained through the community policing team.
Mayor Carlisle’s Representative – Jim Fulton reported the following;
Kaukonahua Road: David Tanoue has recently been appointed by the City as the Director for the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP). A request will be sent to the new director to research the tax map key of the mentioned property on Kaukonahua Road.
Eddie Aikau Surfing Competition: Many parties were involved with traffic planning during the most recent Eddie Aikau Surfing Competition. In a post competition meeting with City departments, discussion to form a consistent traffic plan took place. It was suggested requiring barriers be added to the permitting process.
Surplus/Remnant Land: The process of determining surplus/remnant land is described in Chapter 37, Revised Ordinance of Honolulu, 1990, as amended. Any City agency having under its jurisdiction and control real property which is no longer desired or needed by the agency submits a list of such real property to the Budget and Fiscal Services Director (“BFS Director”). The BFS Director prepares an inventory of such real property and circulates this list to the agencies of the City. If any other City agency indicates a need for the use of any listed real property, the BFS Director may recommend to the Mayor the transfer of the use of the real property to that City agency. If the real property is not recommended for transfer to another City agency, or is not transferred within a reasonable time, the property is then deemed surplus real property. The BFS Director, with the concurrence of the Corporation Counsel, shall determine whether to recommend to the City Council the disposal of the surplus real property. The BFS Director submits a recommendation and draft resolution to the City Council before any surplus real property may be disposed of. The City Council determines whether to adopt the resolution authorizing the BFS Director to dispose of the surplus property in accordance with that resolution or by ordinance.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Parking Plan: It was noted the City allows parking on grassy areas when dry for Triple Crown of Surfing events; however, parking is prohibited on grass when wet. It was asked if the City had a fallback parking plan when grass is wet. The question was noted.
Thank You: Gratitude was expressed to the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) director for being involved in the care of care of Haleiwa Beach Park.
Surplus/Remnant Land: It was requested the City inform the community when City lands have become remnant or surplus. It was expressed the community should be involved when deciding if a City parcel is surplus or remnant.
Homeless: It was noted there are homeless people residing on the property abutting the Jameson property. The City was urged to work with the homeless before clearing out the land.
Waimea Bay: It was suggested replacing all parking stalls outside the Waimea Bay parking lot, near Waimea Bay, with a bike path.
Budget: It was suggested focusing the City budget on improving roads, existing facilities and the City’s other core systems.
Beach Parks: It was expressed community groups should focus on maintaining Haleiwa Beach Park and other existing parks before developing other parks.
Parking: It was suggested designated certain parking spots outside the Alii Beach Park parking lot. It was expressed cars should not park on grass.
Water Pollution: It was asked which City agency monitors sediment going into the water. The question was noted.
Historic Tree: It was noted a historic 100 year old tree had been cut down near the Haleiwa Longs store.
Board of Water Supply – Sandy Nahoopii-Soong reported;
January 2011 Main Break Report: There were no main breaks in January 2011.
Chromium VI: BWS and the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) recently released test results of initial island-wide screening for Chromium VI. The preliminary sampled water systems serve the majority of customers in West, Central and East Oahu, as well as the North Shore and Windward Oahu. Test results are viewable on the BWS website at According to DOH, the Chromium VI results are within the expected range of naturally occurring levels for Hawaii and are not indicative of industrial contamination. The BWS continues to meet all Federal and State drinking water standards, and Oahu’s water if safe for consumption. BWS will continue sampling on Oahu to develop a more comprehensive picture of Chromium VI in its systems. Future test results will be made public record.
Fire Hydrants: BWS is currently replacing five (5) fire hydrants and installing six (6) new hydrants.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Chlorine: Information was requested regarding when BWS started adding chlorine to Waialua’s drinking water and the process by which it is done. It was noted different sites around the island use different methods to add chlorine to the water. The question was noted.
Water Testing: It was asked and clarified water from Haleiwa had not been tested for Chromium VI. It was reported water samples had been taken from 11 different sites around Oahu. Additional tests at different sites are forthcoming.
Councilmember Ernie Martin – Reed Matsuura circulated a handout and reported the following;
· State of the City Address: Mayor Peter B. Carlisle will deliver the State of the City Address on Thursday, February 24, 2011. It has been indicated there will be cuts to city spending to cope with decreased revenues due to the current economic downturn.
· Banzai Skate Park: Parks Director Gary Cabato has been exploring ways to improve the conditions of existing facilities and existing projects like the Banzai Skate Park. Councilmember Martin is working closely with DPR to incorporate suggestions gathered from the public to improve the park. A process is being established for accepting donations to be exclusively used for completion of the park. Questions on this or any other park may be addressed by calling 768-5002 or by emailing [email protected].
· North Shore Police and Fire Visits: The Councilmember and his staff recently visited the Sunset Beach Fire Station, Waialua Fire Station, Wahiawa Police Station and Wahiawa Satellite City Hall to assess current and future needs of the facilities. Among the issues that need to be addressed is the need for additional storage and, in the event of expansion, the need to improve fire station design to better accommodate female firefighters. A new fire station is being designed and constructed in Waialua Moku.
· Bicycle Safety: State bicycle law states the following:
o Any Bicycle used from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise must be equipped with a lamp emitting white light at the front of the bike which is visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front.
o Bicycles must be equipped with a red reflector at least four (4) square inches in size, visible for 600 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful lower beams of head lamps of a motor vehicle.
o Bicycles also need to be equipped with reflective material at least four (4) square inches in size or a lighted lamp visible from both sides for a distance of 500 feet.
o A bicycle or rider may be equipped with lights or reflectors in addition to the requirements listed above.
o A lamp displayed on the left arm or left leg or the rider also meets requirements of the law.
· North Shore Sustainable Communities Plan: Thank you to individuals who attended the Tuesday, February 15, 2011 meeting on the North Shore Sustainable Communities Plan. Seven (7) of nine (9) City Council members were present. Commentary on the plan is still being accepted.
· Sunset Park Courts: The City is working on repairs to the courts at Sunset Park.
· Aweoweo Park: Pictures of play equipment conditions at Aweoweo Park have been sent o DPR.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
1. Capitol Improvement Projects: The Councilmember was thanked for listening to the community’s requests for Capitol Improvement Projects (CIP).
2. Aweoweo Park Play Equipment: It was noted the Aweoweo Park is near the ocean. It was suggested the City use appropriate materials when repairing play equipment.
3. Waialee Access Point: Following news that Kuleana homes had no intention of rebuilding a house on the parcel where a previous house had previously broken down, it was reported the City or State decided to gate the access point due to trespassers posing possible liability issues while on the land. It was expressed it is a trend for the government to shut off land access due to liability concerns. It was noted the community was not consulted about the installation of the gates at Waialee and Velzyland. It was further noted the Parks Department decides what parks will be opened to the public.
Treasurer’s Report – R. Leinau read the January 2011 treasurer’s report and reported total expenses of $294.02. There were expenses of $94.02 to the operating budget and $200 to the publicity budget. There was a balance of $2,190 in the publicity budget. The report was filed.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Video: It was noted the previously approved videographer was not able to fulfill contractual agreements. It was noted a permanent replacement videographer is ongoing.
Flood/Emergency/Waterway – Jacob Ng circulated a written report and highlighted the concept note on the water containment project. Water levels are monitored at the Haleiwa Bridge, the Opaelua Stream gauge, the Helemano 11 reservoir, the Helemano 6 reservoir, the Helemano 16 reservoir and the Wahiawa reservoir. The focus of the committee is to educate members of the community and flood impacted residents on new flood measuring technology. Members of the committee, Dr. El-Kadi, Dr. Yost and Guy Ported of the University of Hawaii attended the Kamehameha Schools’ strategic agricultural plan on Saturday, February 12, 2011. The committee’s proposed flood mitigation project in the Kaiaka-Waialua Bay watershed for a water containment dam/reservoir was discussed. A State transportation crew was able to reopen Kaukonahua Road after heavy rains on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 caused soil and debris to spill on to the roadway; however, the crew was not able to clean out a critical drainage system. Thank you to the Pioneer Hi-Bred International crew for renting heavy equipment and cleaning out the drainage system.
Disaster Preparedness – No report.
Homelessness Committee – Kathleen Pahinui reported the next Homeless Committee meeting will take place Thursday, March 3, 2011 at the Waialua Community Association at 7:00 p.m. New State Homeless Coordinator Father Mark Alexander will be present. Keapoi Namakaeha of the Ho’ala Housing and Resource Center was introduced. The center’s offices are located at the First Brazilian Christian Church. Ho’ala Housing is a non-profit organization with volunteer staff. The program provides meals, social services and a certified substance abuse counselor. Leeward Community College has been contacted to provide classes. Community members are encouraged to support the program and volunteer at the center. For more information, contact Keapoi Namakaeha at 637-5566 or [email protected].
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Homeless Individuals: It was asked and clarified the Point in Time survey counted 50 homeless families on the North Shore. It was noted there are more families who have not been accounted for.
Donations: It was asked and clarified donations can only be sent to the church at this point. A separate 501 C3 non profit program is being set up for the Ho’ala Housing and Resource Center.
Agriculture Committee – Jacqueline Leinau reported the next Agricultural Committee meeting will be Thursday, March 24, 2011 at the Waialua Community Association at 7:00 p.m. The committee will learn how to look up bills and provide testimony. Brackish water pumped from the well at the Waiale’e property has been approved for agricultural use. The Committee’s goal is to provide quality irrigation for farmers. The Agricultural Development meeting will be held Monday, March 7, 2011 at Honolulu Hale at 1:00 p.m.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Zoning Abuse: It was asked and clarified the committee is aware of properties abusing the use of agriculture zoned properties.
Opaeola Reservoir: It was asked how the decommissioning of the Kamehameha School’s Bishop Estate (KSBE) Opaeola reservoir would impact the agricultural community. The question will be discussed with KSBE.
Cultural Land: It was asked if the committee would discuss cultural lands. The question was noted.
U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii – Maj. Ronaldo Cabales reported soldiers will visit Haleiwa Elementary School on its literature night and has raised $750 for books for underprivileged children. Soldiers will also participate in the school’s 170th anniversary celebration in May. Soldiers will also participate in Waialua Elementary School’s Read Aloud America event. Students were trained on flag raising protocol on Wednesday, February 16, 2011. The Army is working with the State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) to inform soldiers of rules at Kaena Point. If a violation is witnessed, please call 643-3567.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
Drum Road: It was asked and clarified Drum Road construction was scheduled to be completed by Tuesday, February 1, 2011. An update will be provided next meeting.
Dillingham Training: It was asked if training would be conducted at Dillingham. It was noted training is scheduled for February and March.
Longan Tree: It was reported a 100 year old Longan tree was cut down near the Haleiwa Long’s store. It was reported the tree had rotted, grew fungus and posed a possible liability to the property. After the tree was cut, it was noted, it was not necessary to cut the entire tree down. It was expressed it may have been a mistake cutting down the entire tree. A replacement Longan Tree is currently being sought. African Tulips will be replaced with Silver Trumpets, Hilo Beauty and Hula Girl Plumeria’s. A Board member noted Date Palms are unique to Haleiwa. It was suggested preserving Date Palms. It was noted only one (1) Date Palm will be removed for now to allow room for an additional entrance.
Keawe Tree: It was requested the Keawe Tree fronting the Jameson property not be cut down.
Pohaku Pua Ena: It was noted Pohaku Pua Ena is located in a cove just past Haleiwa Regional Park. It was suggested placing a buffer between the area and the public to preserve the ancient cultural site.
Kamehameha Schools: Individuals with concerns about KSBE properties may call 637-2436.
North Shore Green Printing Project: As part of its North Shore Green Printing Project, the North Shore Community Land Trust is seeking community input to create a conservation plan to guide conservation efforts in the area. Individuals may contact Doug Cole at 4497-0036 or at [email protected].
First Wind: The Kahuku wind farm is fully functioning. The draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Kawailoa project will be published Wednesday, February 23, 2011. It was asked and clarified the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires a red light be placed atop the windmills.
Hot Dog Stand: A sign announcing a new hot dog stand was reported in a residential area. It was suggested contacting the City Councilman.
Conflict of Interest: A Board member clarified their employer had taken a public position on the proposed Haleiwa Hotel; however, the Board member had not taken a public position. It was noted the neighborhood plan permitted the Board member to vote on the issue. It was also noted two (2) other Board members also have a conflict of interest.
Septic Pumping: It was noted the State Department of Health (DOH) is investigating if Foodland Pupukea is pumping septic fluids and discharging it near Shark’s Cove. Community members were encouraged to call 911 or 5586-4309 if illegal pumping is sighted.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Pahinui moved, R. Leinau seconded to approve the January 25, 2011 regular meeting minutes. The minutes were UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, 14-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, Escorzon, Hirota, Kawahakui, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, McElheny, Miller, Ng, Pahinui, Philips, Scoville and Shirai).
Board Member Jeffrey Alameida: The Chair reported, in accordance with the Neighborhood Plan, the Board may elect to vacate a Board member’s seat if absent three (3) times within a year. The chair reported Board Member Alameida has been absent for three (3) months within a one (1) year period. It was noted Alameida had contacted the Chair prior to each absence and provided legitimate reasoning for his absence. The Chair asked if the Board would consider vacating Alameida’s seat.
Question’s comments and concerns followed;
Contribute: It was expressed Alameida contributes to meetings and should be kept as a Board member.
R.Leinau moved and Pahinui seconded to not vacate Alameida’s seat. The motion was UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, 14-0-0 (AYE: Bellows, Escorzon, Hirota, Kawahakui, J. Leinau, R. Leinau, Lyons, McElheny, Miller, Ng, Pahinui, Philips, Scoville and Shirai).
Kapaeloa Cultural Learning Project – Kalani Fronda and Jeff Overton reported the Kapaeloa Cultural Learning Center is one (1) of seven (7) Kamehameha Schools projects planned for the North Shore. Draft Environmental Assessments (EA) for the projects are being filed with the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP). The Kapaeloa Cultural Learning Center will allow students to learn the cultural value of the North Shore and its surrounding resources. The center will provide an overnight educational experience. The center is expected to be used 144 days out of the year. An open air pavilion, a series of cabins and a caretaker residence will be constructed. The project will also restore native vegetation to the property.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
1. Artifacts: It was asked and clarified surfacing and sub surfacing have not yielded any native artifacts.
2. Number: It was asked and clarified the center is expected to service 50 and 70 persons (students and teachers) at a time, with a maximum capacity of 100 persons at a time.
3. Access: Concern was raised of Iliohu residents trespassing on the property.
4. Waimea Valley: It was suggested working with Waimea Valley on procuring native Hawaiian plants. It was noted Waimea Valley has been contacted.
5. Plants: It was suggested planting Pahoehoe Wai and Pa’u O Hi’iaka.
6. Name: It was suggested replacing Kapaeloa Kai with Kapaeloa Makai.
7. More Students: It was suggested accepting more students from the North Shore. It was noted Kamehameha schools is implementing projects outside the main campus to reach out to more students around the island.
Wallace Property – Scott Wallace reported the property on which he intends to build has four (4) existing cottage homes which have been deemed historical. Plans are to do an adaptive reuse of the existing structure. The roof will be lifted; however, the original structure will not be extended. When finished, the cottage will have a dual use which will include a business in the front portion of the cottage and a residence in the rear. Attempts are being made to maintain a residential and business balance. Materials used to construct the original structure will be used for construction. Another planned addition is a handicap ramp. Infrastructure issues are currently being discussed with DPP Urban Design division. Three (3) acres behind the property have been obtained and will be used for drainage. A recent traffic study showed no signs of problems. An aerobic septic system will be used to treat wastewater before sending into the ground. It was recommended having a minimum of eight (8) to nine (9) parking stalls; however, 25 will be made available. A variance to construct a sidewalk fronting the cottage is being applied for. Current tenants have been approached about future plans for the cottage. There are currently five (5) short term tenants residing in the cottage.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
1. Future Plans: It was asked and clarified there are no specific plans for the remainder of the property. It was suggested maintaining the residential aspect of the property.
2. Public Restrooms: It was asked and clarified public restrooms will be made available; however, restrooms will not be advertised.
Congresswoman Mazie Hirono – No representative was present; no report was given.
Senator Donovan Dela Cruz – Senator Dela Cruz circulated a newsletter and handouts listing various Agriculture Committee bills. A letter requesting flooding problems be addressed has been sent to the Department of Transportation (DOT). The letter also included instructions for businesses to receive reimbursement from the State for flooding damages due to State neglect. A homeless and affordable housing discussion will take place Thursday, March 3, 2011 at the Waikiki Technical Auditorium.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
1. Commendation: Dela Cruz was commended for leadership displayed at the confirmation hearing of William Aila.
2. Coast Line: It was expressed more needs to be done to preserve the coast line.
Thomas Shirai departed the meeting at 9:35 p.m.; 13 members present.
3. Dam: It was expressed the cost of maintaining dams by land owners is prohibitive. It was noted a recent bill creates incentives for landowners to upkeep dams.
Representative Gil Riviere – Representative Gil Riviere reported the 2035 Oahu Regional Transportation plan will be reviewed at a meeting on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at the Blaisdell Center at 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The contract for Laniakea was executed in January. The first meeting for the project will be held May 2011. An advisory group comprised of stake holders and community members will be formed. The first advisory group meeting will be held in July 2011. The project expects to hold three (3) public meetings and eight (8) advisory group meetings throughout the environmental study process. The environmental study is expected to complete by early 2013. The grounds maintenance contract for the Waialua Kupuna Housing lapsed in August 2010. A request for a contract renewal has been sent. Riviere will not support excessive tax increases.
Questions, comments and concerns followed;
1. HB 1380: It was asked and clarified HB-1380 relating to Hawaii grown produce did not make it out of committee.
2. Laniakea: It requested working with DOT on short term solutions to mitigate traffic at Laniakea.
3. Color Code: It was noted the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (OMPO) color code classifies Kamehameha Highway as low traffic. It was requested changing Kamehameha Highway’s classification to a higher one.
4. Repave: It was suggested repaving Kamehameha Highway between Pupukea and Haleiwa. It was noted resurfacing is scheduled for 2015.
5. Retirement: It was asked and clarified legislators can receive retirement benefits after five (5) years of service and after turning 50 years old.
1. Next Meeting: The Next North Shore Neighborhood Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at the John Kalili Surf Center at 7:00 p.m.
ADOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Submitted by: Kazuaki McArthur, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Mike Lyons, Chair