House Finance Committee passes budget bill
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Blog: The real tsunami was on land at the check-out counters
Colleen Sanders /
Boats out at sunset at Port Locke, Hawaii Kai.
Hawaii left behind: Aloha State not among Race to the Top finalists
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hilo students raise their hands with questions for a visiting astronomer.
Hawaii mulls imposing Internet shopping sales tax
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Chile Earthquake, Earth’s Rotation, and Big Changes
Hawaii Independent Staff /
‘Hair’ today at Manoa Valley Theatre
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Verbatim: Money, power, and politics paved the way for elevated rail
Hawaii Independent Staff /
An image from the City and County of Honolulu's official rail transit site. The City says: "Because our rail transit system will be elevated, our passenger trains will be unaffected by bottlenecks on our roads and highways. Because our trains will not be street-level, there is less chance of accidents with cars, bicyclists, and pedestrians."
March 5: First Friday at SoHo Mixed Media Bar supports UH art
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Peaceful Sky Alliance presents The Good Medicine Show 2
Hawaii Independent Staff /
City working on 15 sewer projects in March, expect traffic
Hawaii Independent Staff /
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