Opinion: Arizona alienates world as ‘hate state’
GlobalPost /
People hold signs as they protest against Senate Bill 1070 outside the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix, April 25, 2010.
Blog: Wine tasting at the Bonzer Front brightens the North Shore
Jade Eckardt /
Weekend wine tasting at Bonzer Front is a reason to get dressed up on Oahu's North Shore.
Blog: Stanford’s Hawaii lineup stands in the way of UH men’s volleyball team
Austin Zavala /
The Warriors (19-9) advanced to the semi's following a thrilling five-set win over Pepperdine last Saturday at the Stan Sheriff Center.
Kokua: The festival outside the festival brings Hawaii together
Barb Forsyth /
Music lovers shared songs, food, and stories against the backdrop of Diamond Head.
Hoala School students recognize the gift of sight through art
Jade Eckardt /
David Yanagawa and Zoe Golonka, of Ho'ala School, show off their posters, which were recognized in the Wahiawa Lions Club's "Sight is Beautiful" contest.
HPD reports 34 calls through 4/20
Jade Eckardt /
HPD reports 41 calls through 4/20
Jade Eckardt /
HPD reports 22 calls through 4/20
Jade Eckardt /
Honolulu Police Department Report April 7-20
Austin Zavala /
Honolulu Police Department Report April 7-20
Austin Zavala /
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