- Dean Carrico
- Dec 23, 2011 04:42 PM
- Carrico Vision
Payroll tax cuts officially extended, Obama bound for Hawaii
Hawaii Independent Staff /
President Barack Obama pauses after signing H.R. 3765, the “Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011,” in the Oval Office on Friday, December 23. Photo by Pete Souza -- White House
Verbatim: Following futher payroll tax cut delays, Obama calls Washington ‘dysfunctional’
Hawaii Independent Staff /
President Barack Obama delivers remarks on the impasse in Congress over the payroll tax cut extension during a statement in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on Thursday, December 22. Photo by Pete Souza -- White House
Hawaii Democrats are struggling
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Letter: Ewa Field photos reveal damaging evidence
Letter to the Editor /
Heavy equipment is being used as part of an effort to redevelop the historic Ewa Field. Photos provided by John Bond
Godzilla lives again at Doris Duke Theatre
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Godzilla comes to the Doris Duke Theatre at the Honolulu Academy of Arts. Courtesy Photo
Abercrombie says new budget will make immediate impact without raising taxes
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Hawaii State Budget /
Gov. Neil Abercrombie and State Budget Director Kalbert Young submit the Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2013. Courtesy Photo
City urges residents to recycle Christmas trees
Hawaii Independent Staff /
City reminds women about fire fighting job opportunities
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Lack of oversight failing Hawaii’s charter school students
Hawaii Independent Staff /
Members of the newly constructed Hawaii Charter School Task Force met with school officials for the first time in July. Courtesy Photo
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