The verdict on Generation X
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Right place, right time

Hawaii guest Bob Gruen was the greatest photographer in rock music in the 1970s and '80s

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EDU committee defends, confirms Don Horner

Concerns raised by the LGBT community and its supporters over Horner's ability to keep his faith out of his job backfire.

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LGBT, Church groups mobilize around Horner nomination

The BOE chairman's Senate re-appointment confirmation hearing could become a flash point for the first skirmish of the new year between the groups that fought over same-sex marriage in October.

Will Caron / Read
Selling rail

Yes, half of the audience at this public meeting were HART employees.

Gary Chun / Read
Campaigners hold fast for immigration reform
Gary Chun / Read
Common Cause blasts U.S. Supreme Court decision

The Roberts Court ruled in favor of multi-million dollar private campaign donations today.

National non-profit Common Cause released a statement reacting to today’s Supreme Court ruling, which allows for wealthy individuals to donate massive sums of money to campaigns across the nation.” The following is Common Cause’s statement in it’s entirety:

Again, U.S. Supreme Court Decides Against Democracy

McCutcheon ruling allows individuals to donate millions per election cycle, further drowning out voters’ voices

The Roberts Court today continued its drive to give Americans a government of, by and for big money.

“Today’s decision in McCutcheon v. FEC is Citizens United round two, further opening the floodgates for the nation’s wealthiest few to drown out the voices of the rest of us,” said Miles Rapoport, president of Common Cause.

“This decision lays out a welcome mat for corruption, here in Hawaii and across the country,” said Carmille Lim, executive director of Common Cause Hawaii. “This opens the door for each member of our congressional delegation and every candidate for Congress to solicit multi-million dollar gifts from ultra-wealthy donors. Common sense tells us that folks who can give that kind of money are going to want something in return.”

Thanks to today’s decision, a politician can solicit from a single donor a $3.6 million check for party committees and federal candidates, consigning to background noise the hundreds of millions of Americans who can’t afford to give more than $5, $10 or even $100 to parties or the candidates of their choice.

“This is a return to the ‘soft money’ era, in which donors could hide six- and seven-figure gifts to individual candidates by donating the money to joint committees or party committees that simply passed it to the intended recipient. It is naïve to think that such vast sums of political money do not buy special access and favors,” said Rapoport.

Whether in Washington, at the statehouse or at city hall, major donors routinely get major access to the officials their money helps elect; their lobbyists are invited to help write and amend laws that impact their businesses, and they are rewarded with government jobs, contracts and tax breaks. This system already has helped produce economic inequality unlike any seen in America since before the Great Depression; the court today almost certainly made it worse.

“Today’s ruling makes it clear that, with the current Court, the only way to get meaningful campaign reform is by passing a constitutional amendment authorizing Congress and the states to limit campaign spending,” said Rapoport.

Common Cause-backed resolutions calling on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment have been approved by voters, state legislatures or local governments in 16 states and hundreds of localities coast-to-coast.

In addition, Common Cause will continue to push for public financing of campaigns at the federal, state and local levels, as well as improved disclosure of political money.

In Hawaii, the 2014 public funding bill, House Bill 2533, died in the Senate Judiciary and Labor Committee in mid-March. This bill would have established a publicly-financed elections program for the offices of state representative. The similar 2013 public funding bill, House Bill 1481, stalled in Conference Committee and “carried over” to the 2014 session and is still alive. Common Cause urges lawmakers to ensure HB1481 passes out of conference committee.


Common Cause is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to restoring the core values of American democracy, reinventing an open, honest, and accountable government that works for the public interest, and empowering ordinary people to make their voices heard.


Will Caron / Read
A plea for academic freedom

UH-Manoa faculty respond to association's boycott of Israeli scholars

Cynthia Franklin / Read
Steven Chu on HECO

“That’s another bullshit argument,” former US Energy Secretary Steven Chu told Forbes magazine, in response to HECO’s argument that solar installations threaten grid stabiity.

Jeff McMahon reports at Forbes:

“Instead of that, you need a better business model,” Chu said. “So I’m telling utility companies, this is coming down the line, so let’s think of a new business model where you can profit from this.”

In Chu’s business model, utilities will borrow money—because “utility companies get to borrow money as inexpensively as just about anyone in the United States”—to buy rooftop solar modules and batteries. Then they’ll partner with private rooftop-solar installation firms—”because I don’t expect a utility company to figure out how to do that”—to install rooftop panels and batteries at customer homes.

The utility will own the panels and batteries and sell electricity to the customers at a much lower rate.

Customers would not only get lower rates, they would get solar power without having to pay for installation, Chu said, and they would get a battery backup that can keep the lights on and the refrigerator running for up to a week in a power outage.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Read
What is a millennial?

Facing the challenge of being in your 20s as well as a native person

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