Ending RIMPAC, feeling peace

Reflections on trans-Pacific peace efforts in the midst of the largest military war-games exercise in Oceania.

Sam Ikehara / Militarism / Read
“Zero tolerance” immigration policy: mass trials, children taken from parents

It used to be rare to charge migrants seeking asylum with crimes. If they did so, they were put into detention with their children while they pursued their claims. Now, not only are parents finding themselves charged with the crime of “illegal entry,” but the government is breaking up families, sending children to detention centers, often hundreds of miles from their mothers and fathers, or to distant foster homes. Read more from The Intercept

Hawaii Independent Staff / Law Enforcement / The Intercept <
Maui candidate urges supporters to refrain from retaliation after campaign signs vandalized

A race for Hawaiʻi State House appears to be getting rather heated. John-Bull English, a candidate for House of Reps., District 13, posted an image to Facebook today showing one of his signs vandalized with red spray paint. The paint spells out the words “Vote - Lynn DeCoite,” the incumbent currently representing the district. According to English, seven of his signs have been stolen and three have been torn apart in addition to the spray-painted sign.

In the post, English urges his friends and supporters to refrain from retaliating, saying:

Momentum has swung our way and only our emotional reactions to distractions can shift it. We need to stay focused on the goal. We can do it!

Rep. DeCoite emailed a prepared statement in response to inquiries about the incident:

I was made aware of the vandalism to John Bull- English’s sign(s) this morning. I have already spoken to him to let him know that in no way do I condone any type of actions like this. I know first hand what it is and how it feels to have signs vandalized and I would never support that being done to another candidate/person.

I fully support anyone’s right to run for office and feel they and their campaign materials should be treated with respect.

One of the things that makes this race interesting is the fact that the district encompasses the islands of Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi and Kahoʻolawe, as well as the remote Hāna coast of East Maui. DeCoite is based on Molokaʻi, while English is based in Hāna. How the distance between the different communities represented by DeCoite plays out in the race for her House seat is an interesting consideration. English did not respond to our inquiry by publication, but the story will be updated when he does.

Will Caron / Hawaii Politics / Read
Podium 002: Kim Coco Iwamoto

Editor Will Caron interviews candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Hawaiʻi, Kim Coco Iwamoto.

Hawaii Independent Staff / Podium / Read
Calling for an end to RIMPAC war games

A coalition of demilitarization and decolonization activist groups has written an open letter to the U.S. and Hawaiʻi state governments calling for an end to the annual Pacific military exercises known as RIMPAC which, the group argues, perpetuates violence and domination across multiple levels of global society.

Kelsey Amos / Militarism / Read
Hawaiʻi will ban chlorpyrifos, establish meaningful pesticide regulations

With Governor Ige's signature, SB3095 will become law and Hawaiʻi will lead the nation in establishing progressive policy that protects the health and safety of its people and environment.

After more than four years of dedicated organizing and advocacy at the legislature, activists seeking meaningful, statewide pesticide regulations can celebrate: The governor is signing SB3095 SD1 HD1 CD1 into law. The new statute will restrict pesticide use near schools, prohibit the use of the dangerous pesticide chlorpyrifos, and require transparency and disclosure for the use of Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) in large quantities. The measure puts Hawaiʻi at the forefront of leadership on pesticide reform in America.

“Protecting the health and safety of our keiki and residents is one of my top priorities,” said Governor Ige. “We must protect our communities from potentially harmful chemicals. At the same time, Hawai‘i’s agriculture industry is extremely important to our state and economy. We will work with the Department of Agriculture, local farmers and the University of Hawai‘i as we seek safe, alternative pest management tools that will support and sustain our agriculture industry for generations to come.”

“As a mother who agonized about the dangers of sending my children to a school next to Monsanto’s fields where RUPs were sprayed regularly, I am so grateful to see this bill become law,” said Molokai lawyer and activist Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, who is running for Maui County Council’s Molokai seat.

“Hawaiʻi’s efforts have set a precedent, and we hope this will pave the way for other states that are looking to enact similar legislation,” said Leslee Matthews, a Richardson Law School student and legislative aid for the Pesticide Action Network.

More specifically, the law will:

1. Place a prohibition on use of pesticides within 100 feet of a school during instructional hours. “School” is defined as any public or private kindergarten, elementary or secondary school, excluding home schools; and “normal hours” are from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

2. Totally ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos effective Jan 1, 2019. The Department of Agriculture is authorized to issue exemptions through Dec. 31, 2022 to allow agricultural businesses time to adjust to the ban.

3. Provide a $300,000 appropriation from Pesticides Revolving Fund to effectuate the measure, including expenses for staffing, education and outreach.

4. Provide a $300,000 appropriation from general revenues to develop a pesticide drift monitoring study to evaluate pesticide drift at three schools within the state.

5. Require commercial agricultural entities to regularly report their pesticide use.

The United States Environmental Protections Agency (EPA) under the Obama Administration was poised to ban chlorpyrifos in the U.S., but the Trump EPA reversed that decision almost immediately after President Trump took office.

“This law is our message to the EPA and to the chemical companies that we will no longer tolerate being ground zero for the testing of toxic pesticides that are damaging our children’s health and poisoning our environment,” said Gary Hooser, former Majority Leader of the Hawai’i Senate and founder of the Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA). Hooser, who lives on Kauaʻi, led the “Protect our Keiki” coalition of diverse residents from across the islands through the complex political process that resulted in this much needed compromise law to regulate how highly toxic chemicals like chlorpyrifos are unleashed on the community.

“This is Hawai’i fighting back against the disrespect for science and public health—and winning! In the era of Trump, states must lead,” added Hooser.

The struggle for reform of industrial agricultural pesticide use in Hawaiʻi goes back even further though. After school children down wind of open-air agrochemical testing fields became ill, community members across the state began questioning the veracity of public health and safety assurances the companies and the government had given them. When the companies refused to disclose the type, amount and frequency of the pesticides they were spraying to the affected communities, members of the public mobilized and held mass demonstrations across the state. County officials in Kauaʻi, Maui and Hawaiʻi counties passed ordinances restricting the use of pesticides, as well as the development of GMOs. The companies fought back, successfully suing to block these attempts at regulation at the county level. So activists redoubled their efforts to bring about statewide action.

A coalition of families, teachers, scientists, health professionals and advocates from the Hawai’i Alliance for Progressive Action (H.A.P.A.), Hawai’i Center for Food Safety, Hawai‘i SEED, Pesticide Action Network and others worked for years to push forward the legislation in spite of millions of dollars spent by the agrochemical industry to thwart the process. This coalition put in years of organizing work and, as a result, was able to mobilize affected community members and constituents of key legislators like House Majority Floor Leader, Representative Dee Morikawa (Niʻihau, Lehua, Kōloa, Waimea) and Senator Roz Baker (South & West Maui). These constituents sacrificed time and money to fly in to Oʻahu repeatedly to testify in front of their legislators, which kept the pressure on these lawmakers and effectively maneuvered them into a position in which they could not afford to stonewall proposed regulations as they had done in previous years. The fact that 2018 is an election year, and a number of strong, anti-pesticide challengers are running against these incumbents and making pesticide misuse a key campaign issue, made legislative survival a primary motivator for legislators to agree to pass the measure.

In a prepared statement, Morikawa said the bill is a common-sense solution for protecting our children and families from possible negative effects from chemical pesticides and the need for agricultural businesses to use some pesticides on their farms:

“Lawmakers made history by passing the first measure in the nation to ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos and to restrict the use of certain pesticides within 100 feet of schools,” said Morikawa. “In Hawai‘i, children and families come first and this law says that we truly mean it.”

Morikawa had not previously been receptive to the idea of regulating the agrochemical industry’s use of RUPs, but after lending her support to SB3095 this year, the industry is running a challenger against her in the Democratic primary as retribution. As the representative for areas of Kauaʻi directly impacted by pesticide exposure in schools, her decision to support the bill this session carried a lot of weight with her colleagues and secured its passage through conference committee.

Agriculture Committee Chair, Representative Richard Creagan (Naʻālehu, Ocean View, Capt. Cook, Kealakekua, Kailua-Kona) has been a staunch supporter of pesticide regulation. In the same prepared statement, he reiterated that the pesticide chlorpyrifos has already been banned by many other nations, and was poised to be prohibited by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency until the Trump administration backed away from the regulation.

“Becoming the first state to ban chlorpyrifos to protect public health sends a message to our residents that we will protect them and to other states that they need to step up and protect their residents,” Creagan said. “We cannot stand by and do nothing when the lives of our children are at risk.”

Representative Chris Lee (Kailua, Waimānalo) said it is critical for residents to know where and when pesticides are being used.

“Without basic information about where and when dangerous pesticides are being sprayed into the air there is no way to confirm which chemicals are causing the illnesses and developmental problems in our communities,” said Lee “For more than a decade pesticide companies have fought against being required to disclose where and when their chemicals are being sprayed, but this bill ensures reporting of restricted pesticide use so any impacts can be determined.”

Will Caron / Pesticide Misuse / Read
Ikaika M Hussey / Read
How Hawaii’s Berniecrats won the state convention

While the self-styled Progressive Wing of the Hawaiʻi Democratic Party was unable to fend off a coordinated establishment effort to elect a corporate lobbyist as party chair, they dominated the rest of the 2018 convention.

Will Caron / Hawaii Politics / Read
House Public Safety Committee wins Rusty Scalpel award for hurricane Frankenbill

The committee voted to gut a criminal justice reform bill and replace it with a bill looking at hurricane-resistant school structures with no input from advocates or the community.

On March 15, 2018, criminal justice reform advocates discovered, with shock, that the House Public Safety Committee had taken a rusty scalpel to a Senate bill they had high hopes for and gutted it, turning it into an entirely different creature.

SB2858 SD2, the version of the bill that the House received after crossover from the Senate, would have required the Department of Public Safety to “establish key performance indicators” to track the success of the department’s inmate reentry system. The department would have had to file reports using these performance indicators to the legislature, including an annual “corrections and program report” as a consolidation of these other reports. This is pretty basic, but important, data that advocates were hoping would help to inform a more intelligent approach to corrections that relies less on incarceration and more on community rehabilitation.

But by the time the PBS committee, chaired by Rep. Greg Takayama, was done with its Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley operation, the newly stitched SB2858 SD2 HD1 had an entirely different purpose: requiring the State of Hawaii to consider hurricane resistant criteria when designing and constructing new public schools for the capability of providing shelter refuge. The language for this new version came from HB2452, a dead bill that failed to be scheduled by the Senate. SB2858 SD2 HD1 was later approved, with minor amendments, by a conference committee and is now on its way to the governor’s desk.

Don’t get me wrong, hurricane-resistant schools doesn’t sound like the worst idea I’ve ever heard. But criminal justice reform advocates were really hoping to score a basic win with the original version of this bill. And with no input or oversight from the public, the PBS committee stopped that from happening. Reps. Takayama, Gates, Creagan, Say and Thielen all voted aye on the Frankenbill (the other two committee members, Reps. Ing and DeCiote, were excused).

That’s why SB2858 SD2 HD1 CD1 has been selected by the League of Women Voters of Hawaii and Common Cause Hawaii as the 2018 Rusty Scalpel “winner.”

The Rusty Scalpel award is a tradition that recognizes passage of a bill whose subject has been substantially amended without opportunity for adequate legislative review as required by the Hawaii Constitution. Article Ill, Section 15 of the Hawaii State Constitution provides that, “No bill shall become law unless it shall pass three readings in each house on separate days.” SB 2858 CD1 failed to meet this requirement, as the content was not considered in the Senate.

“The point of the legislative process as laid out in our Constitution is to ensure proposals are properly vetted and discussed before passage. Maneuvers like those used with SB2858 cut out both legislators and the public,” said Corie Tanida, Executive Director, Common Cause Hawaii. “Coupled with the high number of bills in 2018 that were subject to the ‘gut and replace’ practice, it’s no wonder people are feeling disillusioned and discouraged from participating in government. We expect everyone, especially our elected officials, to respect and abide by our laws and Constitution.”

“Apparently, some House members thought it was fine to use an overly generic title like “Relating to Public Safety” to deceive their Senate colleagues about what topic was under consideration,” said Ann Shaver of the League of Women Voters of Hawaii. “The Legislature has failed to stop the use of shortcuts even though all legislators took an oath to uphold the Constitution.”

A resolution that would seek to prohibit the practice has been introduced to, and will be discussed at, the Democratic Party of Hawaii’s state convention this weekend.

Will Caron / Open Government / Read
Board of Water Supply-proposed rate increase intended to prepare us for 21st century challenges

As O‘ahu's population is projected to increase by around 100,000 over the next 22 years and the effects of global climate change continue to strain O‘ahu's resources, the Honolulu Board of Water Supply is planning to hike rates to pay for repairs and maintenance necessary to keep up with demand for drinking water.

Will Caron / Resource Stewardship / Read