WikiLeaks opens the floodgates for critics of the Obama administration

Hawaii Independent Staff

The WikiLeaks uproar has folks jumping all over President Obama’s administration for a variety of alleged sins of omission and commission. Sarah Palin weighed in big time on Facebook, blasting the administration for “incompetently handling the whole fiasco,” and for not going after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with greater urgency. The Washington Post reports.

Hawaii blogger Ian Lind shared his concerns about the WikiLeaks philosophy:

“On the one hand, it provides a much-needed lesson that needs regular repeating: Everybody lies, all the time, to one degree or another. Perhaps “lies” isn’t the right word. Everyone spins, creates appearances, accentuates the positive (or the negative), postures, flatters, and so on, all in their own interest. International diplomacy is, in this way, similar to everyday interactions. ...

But I don’t believe in total, 24/7 transparency either.”