UH Manoa to host Afro-Cuban dance workshop

Hawaii Independent Staff

The University of Hawaii at Manoa will host an Afro-Cuban dance workshop, sponsored by the Dance Program on Saturday, April 30. The workshop is part of a five-day program funded by a grant entitled “Encouraging Diversity at the University of Hawaii at Manoa”.

Cuban dancer Royland Lobato and Afro-Cuban percussionist Richard Marquez will conduct two classes and present a demonstration and performance. Classes are free and open to public, limited to 40 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.

Lobato and Marquez will provide basic instruction in two primary areas: the sacred Yoruba/Orisha dances rooted in the religious traditions of Africa, and the secular rumba popularized as Cuba’s national dance. Classes will focus on the rich polyrhythm and creative interplay of chant, percussion and choreography that have made Afro-Cuban music and dance a favorite of audiences worldwide. No previous experience is necessary.

For more information, visit www.manoa.hawaii.edu