UH Manoa receives maximum accreditation

Hawaii Independent Staff

MANOA—The Western Association of Schools and College (WASC)Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities has reaccredited the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa for a full 10 years—the longest reaccreditation period granted. WASC praised UH Mānoa, the flagship campus of the 10-campus UH system, for the tremendous strides it has made through the reaccreditation process that began in 2006.

The WASC three-stage reaccreditation process began five years ago with the submission of an Institutional Proposal that set forth Mānoa’s three themes and six objectives for the process. A Capacity and Preparatory Review (CPR) was conducted in December 2009 followed by an Educational Effectiveness Review (EER) in March 2011.

Mānoa was commended by the Visiting Team and WASC for its student success initiatives, for “routinely collecting, analyzing, and interpreting extensive data on retention and graduation, disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, residency, and other variables,” and for a “solid start” on the development of a new strategic plan. 

The EER Team noted that the EER Report and visit “accurately reflected the incredible distance the campus has come in reaching its goals.”

The next scheduled comprehensive review visit at UH Mānoa is slated for Spring 2021, with an Interim Report to be due in March 2015.

A copy of the WASC letter may be downloaded at http://manoa.hawaii.edu/wasc/.