This is indeed a sacrilegious act

Kimberly Kalama

I am outraged. I have stood in the shadows far too long.

After hearing Kahu Kekuna yesterday, on Channel 4 news, I know we are in serious trouble. I know our people are in grave danger.

For a man of the cloth, a godly man to so blatant, and disregard the bones of our ancestors, he should be ashamed to call himself Hawaiian. The bones of our ancestors hold the highest value of our culture. They are the foundation from the past to our future. From a man who reaped his wealth, using the education he received from our Queen – shame on him and shame on Kamehameha Schools for not teaching him value. Or did he forget, hiding behind the cloth, clouded by the almighty dollar. Who gave him the right to speak on behalf of our ancestors? He knowingly allows the destruction and desecration of our ancestral bones. This land given by Kamehameha III was to protect our ancestors, and give them a place of refuge and worship, a church cemetery, a graveyard for safe keeping and peace for ever and ever. 

Not so! Open your eyes. We are not safe anywhere; dead or alive, there is no regard. These ancestral bones are not inadvertent finds. The church, knowingly, are digging up our ancestors for a multi- purpose building, at who’s expense? This is not an appropriate place for this building. Shame on the church and its parishioners. This is outright racism. There has been well over 400 ancestral remains unearthed. We are a people losing our land. Kahu calls this ‘aina ours, although he is taking it upon himself to call it his, by his actions. Where is the justice for all the ancestors from the past that where dug up. What about the costs from the many families, the grieving, the notes and special little things left with their beloved ones? What about the coffins that where paid for, which were thrown in a dumpster and taken to the dump? I do not believe they wanted their bones burned to ash, or thrown in some landfill with all the other rubbish. Our ancestor’s remains are not rubbish. Do we disregard the wishes and last rights of a person? Where are the values and morals? Where is the justice? When do we stand up for the rights of the human being. How many more ancestors will be unearthed?  This is indeed a sacrilegious act.