The Hawai’i Environmental Coalition Endorses Ben Cayetano for Mayor of Honolulu
Media release
Ben Cayetano has clearly understood that the Honolulu Rail project and the subdividing of Oahu’s best farmland would destroy a large part of O’ahu as we know it. He stepped forward as plaintiff in the Federal NEPA/FTA lawsuit against the Rail. He testified against the urban designation of the Ewa farmlands. He spoke up against the visual, agricultural, fiscal and cultural harm of the Rail. Not finding someone else to run for mayor, he left a comfortable retirement to take up the public’s fight of 2012.
Mr. Cayetano aspires to no other office. He will stop Rail, reorganize transit, incrementally replace the sewer and water systems and repave the roads. He opposes building new hotels except to replace tear-downs. He supports freeing Kalama and Kailua Beach Parks from commercialization.
He was good for the environment as governor, ensuring that the threatened Sandy Beach/Ka Iwi Coastline of O’ahu remain open. He helped preserve Kealakekua Bay on Hawaii Island; and Lumahai Beach and Maha’ulepu on Kauai. He banned commercial activity from the Hanalei River and supported creation of the Humpback Whale Sanctuary around the Hawaiians Islands.
Unable to counter Mr. Cayetano’s reasoning on Rail, the development interests through the anonymity of the Pacific Resources Partnership has viciously attacked his character. PRP knows what we know: Mr. Cayetano will do what he says, as when his investigation of Bishop Estate led to far- reaching reforms of Bishop Estate and the Hawai’i Supreme Court. It is no coincidence that two of the “Broken Trust” authors, Professor Randall Roth and Walter M. Heen, are his co-plaintiffs in the Federal lawsuit.
Millions of dollars are being spent to stop him, and to ram through the sprawling development of Honolulu and Leeward O’ahu. This is big history. What other candidate could say: “... a select few have been running things for a long time. They have their fingers in nearly everything that affects our lives and our children’s future. They influence or intimidate politicians to do their bidding and they try to crush those who don’t go along. They have taken over the political power which rightfully belongs to you, the people.”
Stand up for the future of O’ahu. Take back our government. Vote Ben Cayetano for Mayor.
Adam Bensley
Adrienne King
Alan Burdick
Agnes Malate
Aleli Starosta
Alexandria Avery
Alma McGoldrick
Amy Agbayani
Amy Kelly
Amy Kimura
Ann Shaver
Antya Miller
Art Mori
Arvid Tadao Youngquist
Barbara J. (Hoppy) Smith
Barbara J. Avery
Barbara Hudman
Barbara Krasniewski
Ben Ramelb
Ben Shafer
Benedict J. Tria Kerkvliet
Beth Anderson
Bob Crone
Bobby Esteven
Bobby Jennings
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Carolyn Blackburn
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Cathleen Piilani Mattoon
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Charles H. Carole
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Chaunnel “Pake” Salmon
Choon James
Chris Clothier
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Cinde Fisher
Cinnie Frith
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Creighton Ualani Mattoon
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Danielle Guion-Swenson
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Donna Wong
Doris Ching
Dorothy Morris
Doris Dudley
Dr. Jeremy Lam
Dr. Kioni Dudley
Dr. Michael James
Dr. Michael Uechi
Dr. Stann W. Reiziss
Dustine Aiu
Eduardo Imperial
Edward Hayden
Elizabeth Rahr
Eric Poohina
Erin Goodin Aiu
Ernest Heen Jr.
Eve G. Anderson
Evelyn Souza
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Franklin Souza
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George Mead
Georgio Caldarone
Georgie Yap
Gerald Chang
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Gordon Damon
Gus Gustafson
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Heeny S.H. Yuen
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James “Sandy” Putt
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John Brizdle
John F. DeVirgilio
John Foti
John Shimizu
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Katherine Orr
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Keaka Wong
Keith Krasniewski
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Kenneth Joyner
Kenneth S. Robbins
Kent Fonoimoana
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Leah Retherford
Lee Miltier
Leinaala Davis
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Marion Heen Shim
Marion Kaneshiro
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Melinda Tria Kervliet
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Michael Kumukauoha Lee
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Mollie Foti
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Nella Caldarone
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Patrick Wassel
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Pauline MacNeil
Paul “Doc” Berry
Pearl Chang Johnson
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Philip Foti
Philip Estermann
Phyllis Fong
Piilani Kaopuiki
Pilipo Souza
Poka Laenui
Ramona Hussey
Randall Roth
Ray Graham
Richard Brown
Richard Burniske
Richard E. Culvyhouse
Rike Weiss
Robert F. Kay
Robert Retherford
Ryan Kalama
Sam Slom
Samuel P. King, Jr.
Scott Foster
Sean Fernandez
Shaunagh G. Robbins
Sheila Fernandez
Sheila Valdez
Shirley Renard
Selene Mersereau
Steve Brown
Steve Gilbert
Steve Scott
Susan Cummings
Susie Roth
Suzan Quimby
Suzanne Gilbert
Thad Spreg
Thalia Demott
The Rev. Dr. Malcolm Naea Chun
Tom Coffey
Tom Coffman
Tom Welch
Tony Wong Jr.
Ursula Retherford
Val Mori
Victoria Cannon
Victoria Meyers
Violet Alcon
Wendy Gorman
Wilbert Ching
William Sager
Wynnie Hee
Zuri Aki