Selection of next UH president should be democratized

Noel Kent

M.R.C. Greenwood’s resignation as UH president this week is to be roundly cheered.  Even the high-priced public relations gang in Bachman Hall cannot make the Greenwood reign anything but what it has been-a disaster. Already battered by the Stevie Wonder and procurement scandals, Greenwood’s reputation has recently further plummeted after revelations of UH Athletic Department corruption and mishandling of funding for faculty pay raises. An angry legislature has taken back power over university procurement.

If the UH Board of Regents had been worthy of their public charge to govern the university well, they would have fired Greenwood several years ago.  But of course, these politically-connected businessmen and professionals are at the root of the problem of university governance.  They know little about higher education, have no deep commitment to students, staff and faculty, and are easily led around by UH officials.  The pattern is clear: First the BOR appoints highly flawed presidents such as M.R.C., then relies on them for advice on policy.

Greenwood’s own selection provides a wonderful example. When chosen as UH president, she had recently resigned her last job in the California state system under a cloud of corruption-allegations made she had gotten state jobs for a relative and business partner. In light of this, M.R.C. should never have been considered a viable candidate.

Clearly, the University is in deep crisis and we desperately need intelligent, reforming leadership which is both courageous and visionary. The coming selection of a new president gives UH faculty, staff and students the opportunity to take a real step forward here: Let’s demand the selection process be democratized. Let’s demand that we have real input into who becomes president. The Regents will, as always, try to meet behind closed doors, exclude the public and keep their decision-making secret. We must not allow them to do it. So we have to be organized and prepared to fight.

UH is OUR university, not theirs!