Disarming liliuokalanis household guards

Rotunda Round-up

A look at some top stories and updates from this week, including the 121st anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy.

Will Caron

About the photo: This image shows the disarming of Queen Liliʻuokalani’s household guards.

President Obama’s speech on NSA phone surveillance The President defends the use of secrecy in intelligence gathering and calls it necessary while acknowledging that things can be done better.

Hawaii Politics
121st anniversary of the Overthrow Remembering the past to chart a new way forward.
Rusty Scalpel Awards Good government advocates create a new “award” to be presented to the most whipstitched bill from this session.
Mufi might run red Speculation on whether Mufi Hannemann will run for Congress or for Governor again has been a favorite topic for rumor. Now a new rumor suggests he may run as a Republican.
Nonbid “leadership development” contracts raise questions  A large amount of money in a non-bid contract situation ought to raise questions, and we thank Ian Lind for his clear analysis.
“Pono Choices” is a public document Rep. Bob McDermott had trouble obtaining a copy of the state’s new (and controversial) sex-ed program.

Social Issues
High time Joseph Souki says it’s about time we create the infrastructure necessary to support medical marijuana use in Hawaiʻi.
Keiki Caucus pushes to outlaw conversion therapy The controversial practice of attempting to change homosexuals into heterosexuals has come up for discussion this session, but even the caucus that introduced the issue is likely to be divided over whether to pass legislation on it.

GMO Debate
Seed companies sue Kauai County Seed companies claim that the recently passed Bill 2491 is biased and “fatally flawed.”
First pesticide disclosures available online At the same time, seed corps have complied with the state’s good-neighbor policy and have reported the type of pesticides used and the acreage affected.
Outside entities donated to local anti-GMO groups in 2012 The amounts of some of the larger donations from 2012. 2013 data won’t be available until the end of this year.

UH scientists discover genetic mutation  A genetic alteration found only in Filipino women was discovered by UH researchers and may be the cause of the high rate of preterm births among the state’s Filipino population.