Put the advertising under TheBus​

Stann W. Reiziss, Ph.D.

Hawaii adopted a statewide ban on billboards in 1927. This highly regarded law was designed to protect the heart of tourism and the quality of life of those of us living here.

Mayor Caldwell has a bill attempting to degrade a statute that has served us well for the past 86 years.

Bill 69, proposing advertising on City buses and para transit vehicles, is well beyond a slippery slope. Rather it is more like a giant sinkhole with the potential to engulf the rapidly
diminishing aesthetic qualities visitors and residents covet.

What’s next? Billboards on the rail, school buses, garbage trucks?

Mobile billboards destroy a sense of place, making every community look like “anywhere USA”. Mobile billboards divert attention from natural scenic landscapes as well as unique cultural art such as historic building and statues.

And unlike cell phones, there is no off or delete button!

Mayor Caldwell states that he is “willing to negotiate”.

How about this? 

Put the advertising UNDER THE BUS. The same place Bill 69 is attempting to throw the present billboard law.