October 2:  Get down and dirty for ‘Manoa Make-A-Difference Day’

Hawaii Independent Staff

MANOA—It’s “Manoa Make-A-Difference Day” this Saturday, October 2.

The event is coordinated by the City and County of Honolulu’s Storm Water Quality Branch within the Department of Environmental Services (ENV).

The day will focus on removing trash, pulling weeds, and planting vegetation along Manoa Stream at three separate sites: Kolomono Ditch; Old Waialae and Koali areas; and Woodlawn Bridge. Volunteers can check-in at 8:00 a.m. at the first two sites and 10:00 a.m. at Woodlawn Bridge. The work will take approximately two hours at each location.  ENV will also provide educational material on reducing trash.

ENV—in partnering with numerous businesses, schools, public officials, the State, and military—will provide supplies. Volunteers will need to sign a release form at check-in. Participants should bring water, wear a hat, old shoes, sunscreen, and dress to get dirty.

For a release form or more information on ENV’s storm water community service activities, visit www.cleanwaterhonolulu.com/storm/hero/adopt.html or call Iwalani Sato, Storm Water Community Relations Specialist, at (808) 768-3248.