Oahu pulls together for March for Babies

Barb Forsyth

Energized Oahu families, companies and volunteers dedicated to giving babies a healthy start will gather at the Bandstand at Kapiolani Park this Saturday, April 24 to take part in the 40th Annual March for Babies.  Thousands of participants are expected to attend.  In addition to the 4-mile walk, other festivities include a short Keiki March, Keiki Karnival with games and inflatable bounce houses and slides, live entertainment with Emcee Shannon Scott, Anjj Lee and Coconut Joe, refreshments and door prizes. 

March for Babies is the March of Dimes premier fundraising event that benefits Hawaii’s babies. As the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health, the Hawaii Chapter of March of Dimes works to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Moms can also rely on them for everything they need to know about having a healthy baby before, during and after pregnancy.  The intention of the March for Babies is to bring the community together to work towards more babies being born happy and healthy.

Registration will begin at 6:00 am at the Bandstand, with the walk itself commencing at 7:30, followed by refreshments and entertainment.  For the latest resources and information, visit marchofdimes.com or nacersano.org.