New funding available for Native Hawaiians

Colleen Sanders

ACF Announces the Availability of $42 Million in Competitive Grant Funding for Native American Communities and Organizations

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration for Native Americans (ANA) announces the availability of $42 million in competitive grant funding for fiscal year 2010 for community-based projects that promote economic and social self-sufficiency and cultural preservation for American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Native American Pacific Islanders from American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.  The fiscal year 2010 funding includes $27 million for continuing multi-year projects.

“Many Native Americans continue to face profound social and economic challenges,” said Carmen R. Nazario, HHS assistant secretary for children and families. “The funding opportunities we are announcing today will help provide the stability and financial assistance designed to improve the lives of Native children, youth and families.”

ANA grant funding supports social, economic, and governance development; preservation of Native American languages; and environmental regulatory activities. Applicants are encouraged to contact ANA’s technical assistance regional providers below who offer project development training and pre-application training free of charge.

Eastern Region: exit disclaimer
Western Region: exit disclaimer
Alaska Region: exit disclaimer
Pacific Region: exit disclaimer

“These funding opportunities bring us one step closer to strengthening Native communities and opening doors to new opportunities for Native American children, youth and families,” said Lillian Sparks, commissioner for the administration for Native Americans.

The Funding Opportunity Announcements can be downloaded and submitted at:

ANA utilizes peer panel reviewers to analyze and score applications.  To become a peer panel reviewer, please visit

For more information on the Administration for Native Americans please visit: