Mobilizing against the Trump agenda

Nandita Sharma, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), on the importance of opposing the Trump administration's agenda and appointments.

Will Caron

Nandita Sharma is one of the primary organizers for the Hawaii-J20 protest, happening on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017. Here’s what she said at a recent teach-in rally held at UHM:

While railing against Wall Street and portraying himself as the champion of the working class, Donald Trump has nominated Wilbur Ross to oversee the United States Department of Commerce and Steven Mnuchin to oversee the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Ross made his estimated $2.9 billion fortune by being a corporate fixer: Buying companies, imposing significant layoffs and budget cuts and insuring, as a result, a windfall profit for shareholders. After Ross purchased the Sago Mine in West Virginia, an explosion there killed 12 miners. This is the man who would be in charge of government regulations to protect consumers from the rapacious actions of investors.

Steve Mnuchin, formerly with Goldman Sachs, has said that one of his priorities as Secretary of the Treasury would be to lift regulations—you know, the kinds of things that protect us from the Wall Street bankers.

So we’ve brought together an amazing group of people to educate, organize and mobilize the public against this Trump agenda that’s being slowly put into place. This is the work that we have ahead of us: To make sure that we oppose these inappropriate nominations like Betsy DeVos to the Department of Education and Ben Carson to the Department of Housing and Urban Development from day one of the Trump administration.