Mililani Mauka/Launani Valley Board discussed turkey fryer safety to end 2010
The Mililani Mauka / Launani Valley Neighborhood Board No. 35 met for their monthly meeting on November 16, 2010. It was the board’s last meeting for 2010, before a meeting for December ‘10.
The board addressed City monthly reports and reports from elected officials.
Unlike most meetings, there was no “board business” or resident/community concerns.
The board did discuss the number of turkey fryers on sale at the Mililani Wal Mart, which caused the meeting to cover safety tips for using the fryers. The Mililani High School turf project was also discussed, with the project reported to begin in spring of 2012.
Complete meeting minutes are below.
CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chair Alan Suwa called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., with a quorum of five (5) members; Note: This nine (9) member Board requires five (5) votes to have a quorum and take official Board action. He announced that the videographer was not in attendance. The Scouts from Troop 664 were asked to present the United States and State of Hawaii colors; Troop 664 led the pledge of allegiance, posted the colors, and retired from the meeting.
Members Present: Dana Agader (arrived at 7:05 p.m.), Luella Costales, Dave Ellis (arrived at 7:10 p.m.), Stanton Oishi, Alan Suwa, Keith Tamashiro, and Pamela Young.
Members Absent: Dean Hazama, Lance Yoshimura.
Vacancies – There are no vacancies at this time.
Guests: Erwin Kawata (Board of Water Supply), Collins Lam (Office of the Mayor/Department of Design and Construction), Lt. Brigida I. Sanchez (Schofield), Representative Marilyn Lee, Keanu Young (Office of Councilmember Matsuura), Lt. Eric Brown (Honolulu Police Department, District 2-Wahiaa), Shelly Nakasone, Senator Michelle Kidani, Tracy Kubota (Office of Rep. Marcus Oshiro), Capt. Brian Carvalho (Honolulu Fire Department-Mililani Mauka), Francis Keeno (Office of the Governor/Department of Transportation), Boy Scout Troop 664, Nola J. Frank (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – No present at this time.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Lt. E. Brown reported the following:
October 2010 Statistics – Included 2 unauthorized control of a propelled vehicle (UCPV) 2 auto thefts, 4 burglaries, 6 unauthorized entries into a motor vehicle (UEMV), 0 graffiti, and 2 thefts.
Mayor Peter Carlisle’s Representative – Collins Lam reported the following:
Cabinet Appointees – The five people appointed by Mayor Carlisle are Doug Chin (Managing Director), Tim Steinberger (Director, Environmental Services) David Tanoue (Director, Department of Planning and Permitting), Gordon Bruce (Director, ,Department of Information Technology), and Noel Ono (Director, Department of Human Resources). The remainder of the cabinet is temporary until January 31, 2010.
Honolulu City Lights – The tree lighting ceremony will take place on Saturday, December 4, 2010 at City Hall. There will also be an electric parade, food booths, etc.
Concerns – There were no concerns for October.
Ainamakua Drive Status – Quick curbs were recently installed.
Board of Water Supply – Erwin Kawata distributed the Halawa Xeriscape Garden 2010 – 2011 Saturday Workshop Schedule, and reported the following:
Water Main Breaks – No water main breaks for the month of October 2010.
2010 – 2011 Halawa Xeriscape Garden Workshop Schedule – The 2010 – 2011 xeriscape workshop schedules was circulated. The xeriscape holiday wreath workshop will be held on November 27, 2010, followed by the popular rain barrel catchment workshops in February and May 2011. For more information visit
Water Meter Maintenance – The BWS is responsible for the maintenance of water meters and it is important to keep the meter box area clear of grass and debris to allow BWS crews easy access if needed. If a leak is noticed in your water meter or need to shut off water service, do not attempt any repair or modifications, and call BWS at 748-5000.
7:10 Ellis arrived; 7 members present.
Councilmember Reed Matsuura – Keanu Young circulated a written report and reported the following:
On November 8th, Reed Matsuura was appointed by the City Council to fill the remainder of the term (until January 31, 2010) of former Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz, who is now with the State Senate.
Former Councilmember Todd Apo resigned his position on November 8, 2010. A special election is scheduled for December 29, 2010 to fill his open council seat. Deadline for interested candidates is Friday, November 19, 2010.
Ballot Amendments – All amendments were approved by the voters.
Military – Lt. Sanchez reported that part of the 25th Brigade has returned; headquarters will be deploying in December.
RESIDENTS’/COMMUNITY CONCERNS: There were no residents’/community concerns.
Governor’s Linda Lingle’s Representative – Francis Keeno reported the following:
Transition – The State Capitol is going through a transition and all newly elected officials were congratulated. Keeno announced that his term as an appointee ends on December 6, 2010.
New Administration – Three important things being done by the new administration are filling cabinet positions, the budget, and legislation.
Furloughs – It is up to the new administration whether furloughs continue until the end of the fiscal year; furloughs were negotiated with the unions.
Hearing no objection, the agenda was taken out of order to Monthly Reports, Honolulu Fire Department.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – Capt. Carvalho reported the following:
October 2010 Statistics – Fires included 1 structure (Ewa Beach area while relocated), 9 wildland (one in Waianae area while relocated), and 3 rubbish; emergencies included 29 medical, 1 search/rescue (Mililani Cemetery), 9 miscellaneous calls; and 1 major incident involving 4 companies + 1 Battalion Chief (person pinned in Mililani Cemetery).
Fire Safety Tip – A) Consider a fire-resistant artificial Christmas tree. If purchasing a real tree, choose one as fresh as possible, keep it hydrated, and away from heat sources. Use non-combustible materials for decorations and do not overload extension cords. B) When cooking if you must leave the stove even for a few minutes, turn it off. Unattended cooking is the number one cause of home fires. Keep children away from cooking areas. C) The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) discourages the use of outdoor gas-fueled turkey fryers. Further information can be found on D) Share your home escape plan and the designated meeting place outside the home with visiting guests.
Questions, comments and concerns:
Station Relocation – Relocation refers to a fire station crew covering another area, such as Ewa Beach when that company is out on an alarm longer than 30 minutes. However, the Mililani Fire Crews usually relocate to the Waialua area. Since Mililani has two fire stations, the area is always covered.
Turkey Fryers – A) It was noted that Wal-Mart has a lot of turkey fryers for sale and HFD should inform the store of turkey fryers fire hazards. B) The proper way to use a turkey fryer is to place the turkey in the pot, fill the pot with water to cover the turkey (not over flowing), which should the level at to add the oil. Most people put too much oil, which overflows causing a fire.
The agenda order resumed.
Senator Elect Donovan Dela Cruz – Senator Kidani reported that Senator elect Dela Cruz apologizes for not being in attendance tonight. The Senator is in room 202 at the Capitol and the office number is 586-6090.
Senator Michelle Kidani – Senator Kidani circulated a written report and highlighted the following:
Senate Leadership and Committee Chairs Changes – Senator Kidani now Vice Chair of three Senate Committees (Ways and Means, Education, and Public Safety/Military Affairs/ Intergovernmental Affairs; and a member of the Hawaiian Affairs Committee. Other changes were included in her written report.
Mililani High School Turf – Emails were received that the project is out for design; the design cost will be covered by the Mililani High School Fund. Start of the turf construction project is anticipated the spring of 2012.
Release of Rainy Day Funds – At a meeting with Governor elect Abercrombie it was learned that releasing the rainy day funds is his first priority. The other intention is release of the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) funding, of which the Mililani High School turf is number 16 on the list.
Questions, comments, and concerns:
Representative Marilyn Lee – Rep. Lee distributed a written report and highlighted the following:
Legislation Ideas – Please contact Rep. Lee and staff with any ideas for legislation at 586 – 9460 or email to [email protected].
Mililani Library Parking Lot Expansion – In 2001, $1.5 million was appropriated by the Legislature for the much needed expansion of the Mililani Library parking lot. The project is finally becoming a reality, and one of the many Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) initiated by the community.
Wahiawa General Hospital – The hospital is a resource that must be protect and supported. Health care is a tough business and must do all that can to make sure we do not lose the nearby services of an emergency room and primary care.
Representative Marcus Oshiro – Tracy Kubota announced a Pre-Session Forum will be held on Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. at Wahiawa District Park, Hale Koa Room. For more information call 586-6200.
Recognition – Acting Chair Suwa recognized Board member Pamela Young who was elected to the Board of Education (BOE).
APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 21 AND OCTOBER 19, 2010 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: Chair Suwa asked if there were any correction/additions to the October 19, 2010 regular meeting minutes.
October 19, 2010 –
Page 1, guests should read, “…Shelly Nakasone…”
Discussion followed – Nakasone said that Chair Hazama was had read a handout from the community at the October meeting regarding the proposed antenna at Rec 7, and gave Acting Chair Suwa a copy of her statement requested that it be incorporated in the corrections/additions. The minutes were deferred to verify that the statement read by Chair Hazama and the one being requested to be incorporated in the minutes are the same. Acting Chair Suwa explained that the minutes are a summary of the meeting and those items not reported/mentioned at the meeting could not be incorporated.
September 21, 2010 – Hearing no objection, the regular meeting minutes were UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED as circulated , 7-0-0 (AYE: Agader, Costales, Ellis, Oishi, Suwa, Tamashiro, Young).
Oahu Arts Center (OAC) – Chair Suwa reported the following:
Darren Villarimo was elected as the newest member to the OAC board.
OAC’s 2010 Art Show, with an exhibit of fine arts media entries is planned for December 11, 2010 to January 8, 2011 at the Pauahi Tower Gallery in downtown Honolulu. A non-refundable entry fee of $25 is required for the first four entries and $5 for each additional entry. For details call Corrine at 271 – 1344 or email her at [email protected].
OAC’s Nomination Committee is seeking individuals to serve on the OAC board of directors 2011 – 2012. Interested individuals should contact Edmund Aczon at 864 – 5222 or [email protected] by the end of this month.
Patsy T. Mink Central Oahu Regional Park (CORP) – Pamela Young reported the following:
Park Report and (update October 18, 2010 Meeting): 1) Funding for parks is still the biggest factor in how much can be done to maintain and improve facilities. As previously reported, projects to replace the roadway fencing and upgrade the irrigation system are on track. 2) Proposal for a new fence – The park was experiencing illegal dumping in the undeveloped area across Kamehameha Highway from the Gentry Business Park. It was requested that the Advisory Board support a four foot chain-link fence to inhibit access from Kamehameha Highway into the area. #) Proposal for a Tree Farm on Undeveloped Park Property – The Department of Parks and Recreation’s Urban Forestry Division was interested in establishing a tree farm in the park. The farm would be located on now-fallow land at the makai end of the park between the baseball/softball fields and Waikele. The trees would be used for various landscaping and beautification projects.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Suwa reported Operating Account expenditures was $17.06 leaving a balance of $569.24.
Military/Civil Defense – Dave Ellis was informed by Mike Egami (US Army) that the Kahuku Training area tour for Neighborhood Boards 26, 25, and 35 is postponed until next year.
Planning and Zoning – Stanton Oishi reported that the Koa Ridge Makai project for Land Use Commission (LUC) approval was granted last week.
Transportation – Pamela Young reported the next Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OMPO) Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 17, 2010, Mayor’s Conference Room, Honolulu Hale, Room 301.
Mahalo – Young thanked the community for allowing her to serve as a Board member for thirteen and a half years. As a newly elected member to the Board of Education, one of her main focuses the Mililani Middle School issue (multi-tracking). A community forum with the Department of Education Superintendent Katherine Matayoshi was suggested. Rep. Lee mentioned and commended Pamela Young for having an almost perfect attendance at the CAC meetings.
Multi-Tracking Schools – Senator Kidani added that she had concerns for parents and teachers and asked for more information, comparisons, impacts, etc., but got no response from the BOE. Under the new tracking system school days would be 171 verses the current 153 days.
Chair’s Report – Acting Chair Suwa reminded everyone that the Board would recess in December; and wished all a Happy and Safe Holiday Season.
Recess – The Mililani Mauka/Launani Valley Neighborhood No. 35 will be in RECESS DECEMBER 2010.
Next Meeting – The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 18, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. at the Mililani Mauka Elementary School Cafeteria (95-1111 Makaikai Street).
Broadcast – Videotape of Board meetings are scheduled to be aired on `Olelo Channel 54, Mondays at 3:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT – The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.