Mililani Mauka board discussed Clearwire antenna controversy
The Mililani Mauka/Launani Valley Neighborhood Board No. 35 met for their regular meeting on September 21, 2010.
The board addressed the regular City reports, the ban on fireworks, and the Mililani Mauka Citizen’s Concern (CARE) group.
Board business included the status of the conditional use permit for the controversial Clearwire Antenna at Recreation Center 7 as well as the Oahu Regional Transportation Plan.
Complete meeting minutes are below.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Dean Hazama called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., with a quorum of five (5) members; Note: This nine (9) member Board requires five (5) votes to have a quorum and take official Board action.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Luella Costales (Arrived 7:07), David Ellis, Dean Hazama, Keith Tamashiro, Lance Yoshimura and Pamela Young.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Stanton Oishi, Dana Agader, and Alan Suwa
GUESTS: Erwin Kawata (Board of Water Supply), Keanu Young (Office of Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz), Captain Brian Carvalho and Brennan Stevens (Honolulu Fire Department, Station 41), Alex Pura, Susan and Owen Nishimura, Elizabeth Rhee, Jicky Ferrer, Linda Rosehill, Serge McGloier, Laila Thomas, Shelly Nakasone, Laila Thomas, Eric Brown, Don Olden, Jeremy Koch, Karen Howard, Matt Parry, Yvonne Parry, Esme M.I. Nii, John White., Representative Marilyn Lee, Dr. Jennifer Zafrani, Patrick Mahu, Melissa Vomvoris, Mel Apana, Will Kane (Mililani Town Association), Silke Wallace, Senator Michelle Kidani, Tinkle Malama (Videographer), Nola J. Frank (Neighborhood Commission Office staff).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) – Captain Brennan Stevens reported the following;
August 2010 Statistics – 1 Structure, 5 wildland fires, 28 medical emergencies, 1 search and rescue and 4 miscellaneous emergencies and 1 major incident – a brush fire in the Waialua area.
Fire Safety Tip – The National Fire Protection Association selected “Smoke Alarms: A Sound You Can Live With!” as the theme for Fire Prevention Week (FPW) on October 3-9, 2010. This year’s campaign reminds everyone about the importance of smoke alarms and encourages families to take the necessary steps to update and maintain their smoke alarms.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) – Lt. Eric Brown reported the following:
August 2010 Statistics – There were 3 unauthorized control of a propelled vehicle (UCPV), 3 recovery, 0 burglary, 4 unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle (UEMV), 1 graffiti, and 8 thefts.
Questions, Comments and Concerns:
Emergency Tracking – Can the police department trace calls from a cell phone to determine where the emergency call is coming from? The answer is no, the cell phones don’t work that way.
Mayor’s Representative – Representative Collins Lam reported the following:
Mililani Community Park Fence – Project is almost complete.
Ainamakua Drive/Meheula Parkway Traffic Safety – State Department of Transportation (DOT) is currently executing a contract for the traffic signal at Makaikai and Ainamakua to alleviate congestion.
Board of Water Supply (BWS) – Erwin Kawata circulated the Neighborhood Board information sheet and highlighted the following:
Water Main Breaks – No water main breaks reported in August 2010.
· Ultra-Low Flow Toilet Rebate Program – The Board of Water Supply (BWS) and the City Department of Environmental Services (ENV) will be ending its residential Ultra-Low Flow Toilet Rebate Program at the end of the 2010 calendar year. The current program will continue to offer a $100 rebate for customers who change their old, high volume toilets (3 gallons or more per flush) to ultra-low flush toilets (1.6 gallons or less per flush) until the program’s expiration date. Property owners wishing to participate in the program must submit their applications to the BWS by Friday, December 31, 2010. Applications that are properly completed and postmarked by that date will be honored, pending availability of funds.
Questions, Comments and Concerns:
Halawa Shaft Tour – Because of security, regular touring schedule was curtailed. If you are interested, call the Board of Water Supply Communications Office.
Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz – Keanu Young circulated the written report and highlighted the following:
Proposed Mililani-Mauka Affordable Housing Project – To date, neither the City nor the State has received an application for the project. Until an application is received, the landowner has time to reconsider the project. Therefore the office is compiling comments and concerns from Mililani Mauka residents regarding the proposed project, which will be forwarded to Mr. W. Bruce Barrett, Executive Vice President, Residential Operations of Castle and Cook Hawaii.
Fireworks Ban – Third reading of the fireworks ban will be read before full council. They will make a decision on this tomorrow, September 22, 2010.
Questions, Comments and Concerns:
1. Survey Forms – Is there a deadline for the survey forms? The office is still compiling forms so those that haven’t turned their survey in, still have time.
2. Town Hall Meeting – Will there be an opportunity for the public to bring testimony regarding the project? The developer, Castle and Cook and the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) come before the board and community will be notified regarding 201H and other bills.
Oahu Arts Center – This topic was requested by a board member to be tabled until October meeting. Residents are concerned that the topic will not be brought before the public and the project will be unsupported.
Mililani Mauka Citizen’s Concern (CARE) – Melisa Vomvoris part of a group of that tracks topics that affect Mililani Mauka. If you’re not on the list, please see Melissa and give her your e-mail address.
Governor’s Representative – Representative Francis Keeno gave his report as follows:
International Women’s Leadership Conference – Governor has been attending the conference that is attended by women all over the world.
National Guard Award – Governor will be attending a ceremony in Washington D.C. to receive an award for support of the National Guard.
Department of Transportation – Brendan Morioka will be resigning effective September 23, 2010.
Questions, Comments and Concerns:
On-ramp Lights – On-ramp lights to the Mililani Mauka on ramp are off again. Representative will check on this matter.
Senator Robert Bunda – A representative was not present; no report available.
Senator Michelle Kidani – Senator Kidani made available her written report and highlighted the following:
VC Public Safety – Appointed Vice Chair of Public Safety and Military Affairs.
Chief Justice Ronald Moon – Give out a mahalo and aloha to former Chief Justice Moon and newly appointed Chief Justice Mark Reckenwald.
Representative Marilyn Lee – Representative Lee made her written report available and highlighted the following:
Mililani Middle School – If you have questions or comments concerning the proposed change from three tracks to four tracks at Mililani Middle School, please attend the School Community Council scheduled for September 30th, 6:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria.
Homecoming Parade – Come out and support Mililani High School at the Homecoming parade on Thursday, September 23, 2010.
Kukui Connection – Marilyn hosts “The Kukui Connection”, an interview program featuring a variety of subjects of interest to the community on Sunday, 4:00 p.m. on Channel 54.
Representative Marcus Oshiro – A representative was not present; no report available.
Status of Conditional Use Permit for Clearwire Antenna at Recreation Center 7 – A letter from the Board was sent to the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) and the acting mayor and is under review with a decision by October 28, 2010.
Questions, comments and concerns:
1. Board stance – Board supports residents against antennae.
2. Residents Against – Residents made statements against the placement of Clearwire Antenna at Recreation Center 7.
3. Clarification – Will the antennae only benefit Clearwire customers?
· Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) – deferred
· Presentation on Mililani Solar Park – deferred
· Honouliuli/Waipahu/Pearl City Wastewater Facilities Plan Update – City and County of Honolulu Honouliuli/Waipahu/Pearl City Wastewater Facilities Plan Update – Linda Rosehill introduced Jeremy Koch, who reported the following:
· The City Department of Environmental Services (ENV) is in the process of preparing the Honouliuli/ Waipahui/PearlCity Wastewater Facilities Plan, which is an update to the West Mamala Bay Facilities Plan (2001) for the Honouliuli Sewershed. The sewershed encompasses the areas including Halawa, Aiea, Pearl City, Waipio, Waikele, Waipahu, Ewa, Kapolei, and Mililani flowing into the Honoluliuli WWTP). The plan will be updated with focus on technology for construction Gravity Sewer Tunnel systems for the conveyance and storage of wastewater flows. The effort will go further into the development of design concepts for the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) aimed at minimizing sanitary sewer overflows, to comply with regulatory mandates from the State Department of Health 9DOH), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and to meet the future needs for wastewater management.
· Alternatives Under Consideration – a) Additional gravity sewer (relief sewers). b) Peak flow storage tanks at pump stations. c) Increased and additional pump station force mains. d) Pump station capacity expansions, modifications, replacement/rehabilitation and relocations. e) Gravity Sewer Tunnel to replace some pump stations and provide peak flow storage. f) Upgrade and expansion of the wastewater treatment plant to secondary treatment.
· Key Dates – a) July 23, 2010, Final Environmental Assessment (EA)/EISPN Publication date. b) August 22, 2010, End of EA/EISPN comment period. c) February 7, 2010-tentative, Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Publication Date. d) April 8, 2011-tentative, End of EIS comment period. e) September 7, 2011-tentative, Final EIS and project completion.
· Comments – Send comments to AECOM, attention Lambert Yamashita, P.E., 1001 Bishop Street, Suite 1600, Honolulu, HI 96813.
· Questions – Contact Rosehill & associates, attention Linda Rosehill, 1088 Bishop Street, Suite 1010, Honolulu, HI 96813; phone (808) 536-2611; or visit
· Certificate of Need Application #10-02:
o Oahu Regional Transportation Plan 2035- Dan Older reported the following:
Wahiawa General Hospital needs a certificate of need application for the commercial B site for the proposed ambulatory surgery center.
o Young made a motion to send a letter of support from the Board to the State Health Planning and Development Agency (SHIPTA). Chair Hazama amended the motion to send a letter of support to the SHIPTA regarding the specific application
Motion was made to send a letter of support to SHIPTA which was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY, 6-0-0 (AYE: Costales, Ellis, Hazama, Tamashiro, Yoshimura and Young).
· Proposed Affordable Housing Project on Commercial C Land Resolution – deferred.
APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES – The July 6, 2010 regular meeting minutes were ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 6-0-0 (AYE: Costales, Ellis, Hazama, Tamashiro, Yoshimura, Young) with the following corrections:
· On page 4 under REPORTS: Clearwire is the company rather than “Verizon WiFi Proposed Antenna Update – Verizon consultant, Mark Ballard contacted him noting the alternate site at the top of Mililani Mauka was deemed not good for the readings and will still pursue Recreation Center IV.”
· On page 6 under Castle and Cooke part d should be Kuulako rather than” Kualaka was previously developed as affordable, but during a downturn in sales were sold at market value in the affordable range $200,000 to $450,000), with restrictions”
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Alan Suwa reported expenditures in the Operating Account were $54. 76 leaving a balance of $672.82; there were no publicity expenditures leaving the total balance of $4,008.06 for the August statement; Treasurers report was filed.
ADJOURNMENT – The meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m.
Submitted by: Aisha A.C. Wang, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dean Hazama, Chair