Measure for an appointed Board of Education passes Senate committee

Hawaii Independent Staff

HONOLULU—A measure that would allow members of Hawaii’s Board of Education to be appointed by the governor made its way past the Senate Ways and Means Committee. It’s next stop will be on the Senate Floor for a vote.

Officially, Senate Bill 8 establishes implementing legislation for the appointment of Board of Education members and establishes considerations for the Senate during the advise and consent process.

The bill was passed unanimously by committee members Sen. David Ige (D), Sen. Michelle Kidani (D), Sen. Suzanne Chun Oakland (D), Sen. Will Espero (D), Sen. Gilbert Kahele (D), Sen. Donna Mercado Kim (D), Sen. Ronald Kouchi (D), Sen. Pohai Ryan (D), Sen. Jill Tokuda (D), Sen. Glenn Wakai (D), and Sen. Sam Slom (R).

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